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Welcome to the PIELink

This website is the online home of a constantly growing community of practice. Our aim here is to connect people involved with addressing the psychological and emotional issues that go with homelessness, and particularly in the development of 'Psychologically Informed Environments' - PIEs. 

In these pages you will find a wide selection of useful items, ranging from published papers and official guidance, to specially produced video content - all for the purpose of sharing practice, research, thoughts and opinions.

The basic idea of a Psychologically Informed Environment has evolved, in the ten years (+) since it was first suggested; and it may well continue to evolve, especially with the most recent version - known as 'PIEs 2.0' - which is designed for evolution; and the Pizazz assessment and service development process.

But we do know, pretty much, how to improve services from within. With the development now a software counterpart to the Pizazz on paper - the PIE Abacus - there may now be dramatic, though still exploratory, potential for tackling more systemic issues.

For more on this process of constant evolution and 'development in dialogue', see  'Is the PIE evolving? :  HERE

And also the video on 'Learning and enquiry - the cycles of practice-based learning' :  HERE

For the PIElink members' on-line working parties currently running or proposed, see the 'Forums' : HERE

For more information on the PIE Abacus, see : 'Pizazz and the PIE Abacus' : HERE

For those just getting started here:

Completely new to PIEs?

For those entirely new to the PIEs approach and this site, there's some helpful advice  on the 'START HERE!' pages

Or you can simply start by browsing freely via the main menus -  those that run across the top of the screen.

And/or use the 'Quick Links' that you will find at the footer of each page. These will take you direct to some more specific areas that are of particular interest just now.

'Psychologically Informed Environments from the ground up: Service design for complex needs'

The founder (and retiring editor) of the PIElink, Robin Johnson, has now published a guide to PIEs and the PIElink in book form.

For those who find the concept of a PIE unclear or confusing (and the website perhaps equally daunting) this book helps to dispel the confusion, without over-simplifying the complexity of the subject.

For more information, and to order copies, see 'PIE publications': HERE

The 'Setting Up Services' forum

From May 2023 we are hosting here the regular 6-weekly 'Setting Up Services' forum.

The aim of this forum is to share ideas and advice with any others who want to develop psychologically informed services (which may or may not be the beginning of 'the PIE journey'.)

You can read about, watch some excerpts (and join this forum?) : HERE

And there are more regular PIElink forums : HERE

Featured content

The main menu bars across the top of the pages here will introduce readers (and viewers and listeners) to the main features of the PIEs approach in practice, arranged according to the core themes of the PIEs framework.

In the 'Quick links' in the footer - which appear at the foot of every page - you will also find instant access links to a range of subjects and issues that cut across all or many aspects of the framework and the PIEs approach in practice. These links may vary according to current areas of activity that we most need to address.

For those new to the site and to the approach, you will also find there the link to 'START HERE', the page that we recommend for those wanting a more curated path. Similarly, for those that like a book that you can hold in your hands, in the PIE publications pages you will find several useful introductions, including those from the PIElink's founder and original editor, Robin Johnson.


The principal intention behind this website is the wish to facilitate communications between all those working with the more complex psychological and emotional needs, for example of people who are homeless, or otherwise facing social exclusion.

Becoming a member is completely free and allows you full access to all features of the site.

Become a Member

  • Complete access to the library - an extensive and still growing range of related documents and media
  • A welcome from the editor; and an opportunity to talk over what particularly interests you in PIEs
  • Full use of the members directory - find other members (if you and they are happy with sharing your location and/or interests)
  • The ability to create a profile, identify your interests, and where suitable to be put in contact with other members
  • Email notifications of major new developments - now infrequent but still valuable.
  • Subscription to the monthly newsletters (currently paused in the absence of a newsletters editor)

Please note: this site is optimised for the big screen - desktops and tablets - and is less readable on mobile phones. Otherwise.........