Cross-cultural Dialogues on Homelessness
From Pretreatment Strategies to Psychologically Informed Environments
This book represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first full length book to attempt an in-depth dialogue between practitioners working on the field of homelessness on both sides of the Atlantic.
PIElink pages
Pretreatment : HERE
American PIE? : HERE
As is explained in Jay Levy's introduction, the dialogue began in a Linked In discussion; went on to email; expanded to include other UK colleagues, with live streaming technology - then only newly available. The dialogue went deeper with the co-editor's study trip to the US ( as retold here in "Packed with questions* and "They do things differently there'; and subsequently with further discussions, writing and editing with further contributions from UK authors John Conolly, Suzanne Quinney, and Ray Middleton.
In a presentation at the 6th annual conference of the Faculty for Homelessness and Health Inclusion, 2018, Robin Johnson outlines the origins and the scope of the book, and especially, the significance of dialogue at many levels.
Some excerpts and sections of this book have already appeared here, and are available in the PIElink Library:
- Principles and Practice in the psychology of homelessness: Core skills in Pretreatment, Trauma Informed Care & Psychologically Informed Environments HERE
- Packed with questions* HERE
- They do things differently there* HERE
- Red Herrings and Real Achievements* HERE
Others are available here for the first time:
- US Foreword - Creating a Common Language Joe Finn
- UK Foreword - Transatlantic Dialogue: Different Journeys with Common Goals Ray Middleton
- Introduction – Cross-cultural Dialogues on Homelessness - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 1 - Homelessness on Both Sides of the Atlantic - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 2 - Principles and Practice in Psychology and Homelessness: Core skills in Pretreatment, Trauma Informed Care & Psychologically Informed Environments - Robin Johnson
- Chapter 3 – Miguel’s Narrative: Challenges of Common Language Construction - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 4 - Pre-treatment Therapy: A Central London Counselling Services’ Enhanced Response to Complex Needs Homelessness - John Conolly
- Chapter 5 - Working with Meaning and Riding Transitions - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 6 - Ladder4Life: Developing Dialogical PIE - Ray Middleton
- Chapter 7 – Peer Advocacy: Here, There, and Everywhere - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 8 - Telling a different story: Appreciative Inquiry’s Contribution to Creating Dialogue and Psychologically Informed Environments - Suzanne Quinney
- Chapter 9 – Ending Homelessness for the Most Vulnerable Among Us - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 10 - They do things differently there; PIEs, Housing First and the New Social Psychiatry - Robin Johnson
- Chapter 11 – The Dialogue Continues - Robin Johnson & Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 12 - Cross-cultural Connections: Homelessness, Costs and Interventions - Jay S. Levy
- Chapter 13 – The Calculus of Inclusion - Jay S. Levy
- Appendix i – Pretreatment Approach
- Appendix ii - A US/UK vocabulary of homelessness terms - Robin Johnson with Jay Levy
- Incl. Fig.iii-1: A Homelessness Glossary - Robin Johnson
For a discussion on the origins of the book, live and on air, see (= hear) Matt Bennett's 'Trauma Informed Lens' podcast, Episode 55: Connecting paradigms: Talking trauma across the Atlantic with Jay Levy and Robin Johnson HERE
A message from the editor
There is a short YouTube video, made on the day of publication by the overall editor, Jay Levy.
In it, he recounts how the project of the book first came about, in dialogue; and gives thanks to his new UK colleagues, who contributed with their ideas and writing, and practice.
Copies of the book, published 2018 by Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, can be obtained via Amazon etc; and also available on Kindle.
You will also find this book, and much more, on via the website of the principal editor and author, Jay S Levy :