Digging Deeper
For those ready to explore in more depth what the PIEs approach has for you - well done. You've come to the right place.
We'll assume that by now you'll have looked over the 'START HERE! 'pages (HERE); and you will be familiar with the 'Big Five' core themes of PIEs 2.0. But, just to recap:
- Psychological awareness 101 : HERE
- Training and support 101 : HERE
- Learning and enquiry 101 : HERE
- Spaces of opportunity 101 : HERE
- The Three Rs 101 : HERE
You will know the value, as we see it, of reflective practice (HERE); and how it can be encouraged and embedded (HERE) throughout your work.
You'll know how central relationships are; and where 'managing' or highlighting 'relationships' (HERE) fits. in the PIEs 2 model.
And there's a lot more in 'Some general advice' (HERE) on introducing the PIEs approach; which hopefully you've seen some of?
So now it's probably time for some more concrete practical inspiration. You might like to browse a little around the 'Case studies and practice examples' page* of this site : HERE
if you've not already found your way there, at some point do also check out the self assessment and service development process that we have developed, known (somewhat tongue in cheek) as the Pizazz (HERE).
You may well find some useful questions to ask yourself in the Pizazz Handbook, 'Useful Questions': HERE
And when you are ready, at some point you may want to get really up to date with where we are going in the future : HERE
Then let's maybe also look back, at some of the more general thinking behind all this.
- For the advantages and disadvantages in aiming for a single framework for all complex needs work, see 'A single framework' : HERE.
- For more on the gradual evolution of the PIE idea itself, see 'Is the PIE evolving?' (Summary): HERE.
- And for more on the original development process for PIEs 2.0*, see: 'PIEs 2.0 - the development process': HERE.
- Plus the wider principle of 'development in dialogue', and learning from each other : HERE
* Note that it is possible that we may yet see a newer version of the PIEs framework one day - we're calling it 'PIEs 3'. Current thinking is that this is not likely soon; but if you are interested in wider systems and system change, do see the discussion on where we are currently, on the page called 'PIE 1, 2 - and 3?' HERE
You might also see the unsteady progress of a better categorising of examples and other practice issues, in the 'PIEs in practice' pages of this site : HERE
Background and useful links
Digging Deeper
A single framework : HERE
What's the Big Idea? : HERE
'Joined up thinking' : HERE
Getting practical
What psychology makes for a PIE? : HERE
What is 'an environment'? : HERE
Some general advice : HERE
Introducing the PIE approach : HERE
The Pizazz - on paper or on screen : HERE
Exploring the Pizazz (for PIE leads) : HERE
The PIE Abacus: text and video briefings for PIE leads : HERE
The Future
The Future of PIE and the PIElink: HERE
Will there be a PIEs 3? : HERE
The evolving development of PIEs 2.0
PIEs 1 - the original account : HERE
Is the PIE evolving? (summary) : HERE
PIEs 2.0 - the basics : HERE
Where are relationships in PIEs 2.0? : HERE
More background
For an informal account of the expanded scope and overall purpose of PIEs 2.0
For more on the development of these areas, see
The cycles of practice-based learning HERE
Pizazz: A new and more customisable working framework for PIEs HERE
Pizazz: the work we now have to do ourselves: HERE
Other useful background reading/viewing
Is the PIE evolving? HERE
Memes: a cautionary tale HERE
Is the PIE just about homelessness? HERE
Psychologically informed environments and the enabling environments initiative HERE
In search on the enabling environment HERE
Creating a Psychologically Informed Environment - assessment and Implementation HERE
A very brief introduction to the key elements of a PIE HERE
A very brief history of PIE HERE
A VERY brief future of PIE HERE
My cat is a built environment? : HERE