Discussions, questions, and forums
Please note: this is a relatively new PIElink section, part of a more sweeping re-shaping. Some of the content we'd like to include is not yet added; but this often needs work. So please bear with us.
Development in dialogue
The PIE concept aims to be fluid and responsive. It is not ‘a done deal’, fixed in stone.
The essential thinking is now fairly clear; and the PIEs 2.0 framework has stood the test of time - so far. But the actual practice of PIEs – the practice that the concept aims both to summarise and to inspire – is constantly evolving.
In some areas - such as the search for a more 'service-user-friendly (or 'street') language for the PIE framework, and for possible ‘criterial equivalents’ in General Needs Housing - we hope to launch new discussion forums, webinars etc in 2021. Watch this space for announcements.
We have good reason to be confident of the main framework of PIEs 2.0 – that is, the 'Big Five' overall themes, and the fifteen (or so) more specific practice elements, as spelled out HERE. But even so, we can already anticipate - and we will positively encourage - some further development, or evolution. (There is, for examples, some talk of a PIEs 3 - the same thinking, but more focussed on systems and system change)
Essentially, the PIE concept and the PIEs framework has developed and will continue to evolve in dialogue. So here, we pull together some, at least, of the discussions we have had, over the past ten years; and the discussions we propose to host, over the coming year or more.
Here, therefore we can suggest:
Discussions - just some of the conversations that have marked the journey so far : (HERE)
What works - for you? : (HERE)
Forums - current on-going live and recorded discussions : (HERE)