Where are we now?
The world of complex needs, and of PIEs, is constantly changing.
Over the past ten years - a decade when the PIE idea has gone from a phrase in an article in an obscure specialist journal to being in general circulation in services - two core developments have radically shifted the focus.
- Firstly, a growing recognition of the value of 'service user involvement' and 'co-production', to shift the power imbalance within services
- Secondly, a growing need for wider system change, to shift the power imbalance in the relationships between services, and especially between services and funders, both locally and nationally
Over the past 18 months, however, we have seen more rapid change than ever before. We currently sense a growing confidence and energy, mixed with swirling eddies of exhaustion. Never before has mental health been so much in the public debate. Never before has staff support risen so high in the agenda of managers.
For the start and close of Season Three of the PIElink's community of practice forums, we wanted to pause to take stock of the potential in the sector, in the services eco-system as a whole, with service user involvement and system change at the heart.
Where the PIE approach now sits, in the midst of this, in the spirit and in the detail, and where we go now, both at local level and in the diversity of political systems in which we work - that is a very big subject.
So wherever you are in all this, let's continue to talk about it.
To register to participate in any of these conversations, email : forums@pielink.net.
For the current season's programme - topics and dates - see : HERE
Further background
Social psychiatry and social policy for the 21st Century - new concepts for new needs, Part One; the psychologically informed environment : HERE
Is the PIE evolving? (Summary) : HERE
A single framework : HERE
'Top to toe' embedding : HERE
Whole systems as PIEs : HERE
The Inner Game of PIE : HERE
Is it a philosophy? : HERE
The ethics and politics of PIE : HERE
An 'Editorial Board' for the PIElink? : HERE