NB: This is the original text for the PIElink page that discussed the thinking behind the development of an assessment framework for PIEs .
Note that at this point in time the new framework had no name. It was only later that we came to call it the PIEs Self Assessment and Service Specification process - the Pizazz.
Distance travelled: a new PIEs assessment framework
One of the key issues both for research and evaluation is: to what extent can such and such a service actually call itself a PIE? How far have they gone, and in what areas? We are now able to unveil the work we have been doing over several years on a new PIEs assessment framework.
This is not, that is, a framework for assessing the effectiveness of a PIE service (there are other tools that aim to do that). Instead, this aims to create a specification and self-assessment tool to asses how far a service is a PIE at all.
This marks a major new initiative for the PIElink community and for the development and promotion of PIEs in practice; and in research.
The case for an assessment tool
The papers here first make a case for the development of such an assessment and specification tool; and outline the preliminary work, to date.
We spell out first what we propose as the underlying or guiding principles behind such an approach, seeing these then as requirements for any successful measurement 'tool'.
Then we consider how to handle those areas in the original (or "classic" ) PIE framework that would need some careful thought, up-dating and/or modification.
Then we explore some comparisons with other quite useful approaches to measurement of a complex, multi-faceted activity, from which we might learn some useful lessons
A co-production ambition
But we also stress that further work on this should be a co-production, with practice-based learning and active in-put from services in the sector. We have therefore been recruiting for a small on-line working party to look at developing this framework as a practical evaluation tool, one that allows practitioners, managers, commissioners and researchers alike to ask, not just: 'How far has this service come?' but also: 'And where do we/they now need to go?'
This area is divided into sections, for (somewhat) easier reading; but primarily to allow us to update it, as issues and thinking develop. These sections, with titles and links, are listed in the right hand panel.
NB: Those in the working party, plus a few 'volunteers' will be testing out the approach, over the coming weeks, with their own organisations and services in mind. But the primary task of the working party is then to get - if we can - this proposal to the point where we are ready to pilot it outside the working party, on a larger scale.
The aim is to have some reasonable credibility, if taking this initiative then to a funding organisation, in hopes to secure costs for a proper, fully independent evaluation of the approach, as the next stage*. (The eventual cost implications of such a programme of work are also covered.)
- Note that we were never able to secure such funding for evaluation of the Pizazz, nor really tried. Instead it was simply published, protected by a Creative Commons licence, to allow any who choose to use it as they wished.
Further background reading/listening/viewing
PIElink pages
On the development of a PIE services assessment and specification tool
Abstract and summary
( a.k.a. A preliminary exploration for a co-production approach to services assessment and specification as Psychologically Informed Environments) : HERE
1: Development, flexibility and fidelity : HERE
2: Key requirements in principle for a PIEs assessment tool : HERE
3: Specific elements required in a PIEs assessment tool : HERE
4: Externally observable evidence of expressions of the key elements : HERE
5: Other models of assessment for complex interventions and environments : HERE
6: Borrowing and adaptation for a PIEs Service Assessment and Specification tool : HERE
7: A summary of essential and desirable features for a PIEs assessment tool : HERE
8: Development funding, options appraisal : HERE
9: Progress monitoring : HERE
10: The name 'Pizazz' - a note on terminology : HERE
Library items
Memes - a cautionary tale (Part One: TCs and PIEs) : HERE
A new and fully customisable framework for PIEs : HERE
Learning and enquiry, and the cycles of practice based learning : HERE