PIEs from the ground up - further links for Chapter 5
Chapter 5 : Five themes - getting into detail with the PIEs framework
For all the issues in ‘aiming for a flexible specification’, the obvious place to start is with the Five Themes menu, starting with:
- Psychological awareness : HERE
- Training and Support : HERE
- Learning and Enquiry : HERE
- Spaces of opportunity : HERE
- The Three Rs: HERE
In Developing PIEs, there are still more insights on the practical application of PIEs in particular contexts, under three headings:
You will also find there the ‘Digging Deeper’ pages, which we explore more in the next chapter.
Also relevant to this section are some videos:
Chapter content links
All PIE publications : HERE
I : Preface
2 : Introduction : HERE
3 : Ideas in practice : HERE
4 : What is the PIElink? : HERE
5 : Five core themes : HERE
6 : Introducing the PIEs approach : HERE
7 : Good questions : HERE
8 : Pizazz and the PIE Abacus : HERE
9 : The future for PIEs : HERE
To order a copy
The book is currently available to order only via Amazon : HERE
Other retailers' lists will be posted as they go live.