Caution: this section of the site describes a more advanced use of the PIE Abacus.

It is best left unless and until you have read/heard 'The PIE Abacus - essential briefing for PIE leads (and others in comparable roles)' HERE and/or read/heard/watched the PIEs Assessment training (Coming next)

Key features of the PIE Abacus [3] : adding in 'bespoke' fields.

To recap (from Key Features [1] and [2]) :

The PIE Abacus starts off by offering a template with the five main headline issues in PIEs 2.0 - 'the short form'.

  • psychological awareness
  • training and support
  • learning and enquiry
  • spaces of opportunity
  • the Three Rs

But the design of the PIE Abacus software then allows services to go into more detail  (to 'drill down') into any areas of the PIEs 2.0 framework that they would wish to focus more closely on; and it is possible also to simply pass over any issue that seems less relevant. (For details, see: Key features of the PIE Abacus [2] drilling down : HERE)


Now read on:

But another exciting feature of the Abacus approach and the software is that particular services - even whole organisations - can also add in issues that are particularly relevant to them. These we call 'bespoke' fields.

This option, to go beyond the broad general framework of PIEs 2.0, and develop specialist areas, whilst still connecting with the core issues in common with those other services that do not specialise in this way, gives the PIE Abacus all the flexibility and customisability that we had intended, in that PIEs 2.0 framework ( See: A new and fully customisable framework for PIEs : HERE)

This feature is best explained by illustration.There is an introductory video, available to all, on the iAbacus software developers' site, HERE.

We also have a written introduction - but currently only available to those actually taking part in the pilot - with two worked examples, showing the 'add in' feature in use in an agency that wishes to focus on and roll out peer support, as its USP; and for a still more complex use in a multi-agency locality aiming to develop PIEs in public spaces.  (For the purpose and the state of play with PIE pilots process, see: The PIE Abacus pilots : HERE )


NB: the on-line training course for PIE leads and others - 'PIEs, Pizazz and the PIE Abacus: Intermediate level training' - goes into all this in considerably more depth. It is currently being finalised, taking into account many recent developments; and will be available in time for the launch of the PIE Abacus, later this year.



Further background reading/listening/viewing

The simplest, most effective way to evaluate and improve your PIE from Daniel O'Brien on Vimeo.

PIElink pages

Getting started with the PIE Abacus : HERE

Key features of the PIE Abacus [1]: the ‘short form’HERE

Key features of the PIE Abacus [2]: ‘drilling down’ : HERE

Key features of the PIE Abacus [3]: adding in 'bespoke' fields is HERE

Key features of the PIE Abacus [4]: using the ‘overlay’ features is HERE

PIE Abacus use and terms of use :  HERE


PLEASE NOTE: a more in-depth on-line training on all these features and more, intended for PIE Leads and others in comparable roles, is currently in preparation.

Piloting the PIE Abacus

Aims of the pilot HERE

Timescales and time commitment HERE

The story so far

The Pizazz approach

For the overall introduction to the Pizazz, see: Introducing : The Pizazz

For a note on current and future costs of using the Pizazz, see: Pizazz costs

The pen-and-paper version

The basic Pizazz assessment summary sheets are  HERE

The Pizazz Handbook, 'Useful questions',  is HERE

Pizazz assessment levels guidance is HERE

Advice for Pizazz assessment facilitators is HERE

Creative Commons licence terms are HERE