Living in Temporary accommodation (or 'TA')


In the midst of the current housing crisis, there has been growing concern at the position of homeless families, housed by local authorities in temporary accommodation (TA) whilst waiting for more permanent housing to become available.

Although formally recognised as vulnerable, this group has had relatively little attention hitherto in the discussions on advancing constructive, psychologically informed practice in homelessness provision. Their particular needs have not so far featured in the discussions of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) or Psychologically Informed Environments (PIEs).

With a complex web of systemic and structural failures that urgently need addressing at strategic level, it is perhaps understandable that the human cost, the psychological and emotional aspect, is taken for granted in these more strategic forums. Nevertheless in local and national discussions there is a concern for the voices of those in this plight to be heard; and in this we can start to glimpse some at least of the issues, and the way that local services and systems might enhance the sensitivity of the emotional support they can provide.

Here we will look first at some of the emotions expressed; and then lay out the main themes of the TIC and PIE approaches to see how useful they might be - or might yet be developed to be - in the work of Transitional Accommodation Action Groups (TAAGs) .

We look in detail at how the PIEs 2.0 framework addresses these issues; and whether the  services assessment process known as ‘the Pizazz’, might yet be applied in developing local systems as well as in specific services. Even so, does it really help to find either the TIC and PIEs concepts applicable in principle here? Are they actually useful?


NB: It has even been suggested that a newer version of the PIEs framework might be needed, to draw more attention to the specific issues that arise in managing systems and pathways, which can themselves be seen as 'built environments'.

But in introducing new models and terms there is a risk of adding complexity and confusion. The more modest alternative is to consider this simply as another area where the PIEs framework needs translating into and exploring in the particular context where it is applied.

Chapters and content links

Psychologically Informed Environments from the ground up: Service design for complex needs : HERE

All other PIE publications : HERE

Chapters and content links

  • Foreword
  • Introduction : Full text coming soon.
  • Three Models of the Origins of Homelessness : HERE
  • Trauma is not the only psychology : HERE
  • The Window of Tolerance, the Drama Triangle, and the Adjacent Possible : HERE
  • Attachment, trauma and the social environment: COMING SOON
  • Strengths, ambivalence and paradox: : HERE
  • Pre-treatment : PIEs in the micro-social world :  HERE
  • Living in Temporary Accommodation : HERE
  • Unfinished business: COMING SOON
  • Afterthoughts : Full text coming soon.
  • About the author : COMING SOON

To purchase via Blackwell's : HERE



New library materials

Justlife's blog on TIC and PIEs : HERE

The National Temporary Accommodation Network : HERE

The Households in Temporary Accommosation APPG : COMING SOON

Digital Inclusion in TA : HERE