The Directory

The PIEs trainers and consultants directory is to be advertised as a listings page for all those able to offer support, of whatever kind, to other agencies and services, on a freelance or contracted basis.

All those listed here are registered PIElink members, to provide a minimum of quality assurance and to weed out spam.


Other than that there is no attempt to approve or endorse any particular offer or approach ( 'caveat emptor'), and those  seeking to engage a trainer or consultancy services must satisfy themselves that the service offered is suitable for them, and the terms acceptable *.

All listings are strictly in alphabetical order, by the surname of the individual.


Getting listed here

For those trainers and consultants interested in being listed here (and no-one is obliged to), see the page specifically for those wanting to be included : (HERE)


  • The PIE Abacus 'Associates' group

We are nevertheless currently gathering together a group of trainer/consultants with a particularly good knowledge of the PIE Abacus : (HERE) .

If this interests you, to consider becoming an 'Associate', see:

Becoming - an 'Associate' : (HERE)





Our trainers hold Doctoral degrees in Psychology, with extensive experience from frontline and clinical roles. We specialise in delivering and co-developing Psychologically Informed Environments across diverse settings, offering training to both statutory and non-statutory services.

For a complimentary consultation, see:


Rachel Brown

As a Clinical Psychologist, I offer research and formulation-based consultancy services, drawing from a wide skill and theoretical base to fit organisations’ needs. Formative evaluation and collective action planning are an essential part of my approach to evolving PIEs.


Sam Chu: Paradigm Psychology

I am a forensic psychologist with a passion for and experience of developing PIEs in a range of settings across the north of England.  In response to individual service requirements I have designed and delivered PIE and TIC training/workshops, evaluating the impact of this work for staff and clients.


Peter Cockersell: Intapsych

Peter offers training on the theory and implementation of PIE to staff, frontline and/or senior management; organisational consultancy on developing a tailored PIE approach, in the fields of homelessness and specialist mental health services; and training on complex needs/compound trauma/personality disorder. 


John Conolly

I have a special interest in the interface between self and organisational exclusion processes, and my 20+ years of psycho-therapeutic work with excluded individuals enables me to offer individual and team self-reflective facilitation as well as training.


Ali Curran

Ali is a management and organisational consultant, trained in Group Analytic Practice,  working with staff and management groups in the homeless sector in Ireland. She has co-facilitated PIE training, and is currently designing bespoke programmes for the adoption of PIE 



EASL is a group of mental health professionals, working within and across homelessness services in London. EASL uses a multidisciplinary, systemic and trauma-focussed framework to improve the lives of socially excluded individuals and facilitate psychologically informed environments.


Sian Erickson

I work with various agencies to train peer mentors, supporting vulnerable families and children to change entrenched behaviours, with strength based approaches, role modelling healthy behaviours, identifying a sense of purpose.



David Gill

I have a history of working in the criminal justice and substance misuse field. I am passionate about implementing PIE in these fields through effective training and consultancy. I also work at a strategic level in supporting services around regulatory compliance from a PIE perspective and through updating policies and procedures in line with PIE.


Liz Greenway

Inspired as NHS counsellor to homeless people >13+yrs, I work independently as psychotherapist, work coach, organisational consultant offering reflective practice, away days, KUF and other training, action learning sets and mediation to staff and management consultation. London, Suffolk & travels.


Esther Harris

Based in Bristol, I am a qualified supervisor with a background in substance abuse (particularly in families) and provide Reflective Practice for organisations. I have an interest the relationships between clients; practitioners and organisations and how this might affect outcomes. 


Phil Harris

I have over 27 years experience of working with people with complex and multiple needs, designing bespoke interventions and multi-site treatment systems across the UK.  I provide PIE and wider training, reflective practice and service improvement and outcome research evaluations.


Helen Gore: HG consultancy

I can bring an understanding to why people disengage, self-sabotage and seem committed to unhealthy, destructive lifestyles; and what you and your teams can do to interrupt such behaviours to inspire positive, sustainable change, by working within a PIE (Psychologically Informed Environments) framework.


Robin Johnson

Robin is the principal author (or steward) of the PIE idea, and editor/curator of this website. For a limited time only (ie: just until his formal retirement later this year ) Robin can offer ad hoc and on-line mentoring, especially on the use of the new 'PIEs 2.0' formula and the Pizazz, and on research.


Jay Levy

My work focusses on homelessness outreach, and the fusion of Psychologically Informed Environments with Pretreatment and Housing First. Author of several books - and currently co-editing one on transatlantic exchange around homelessness - I am now giving talks and lectures, and am available for consultations, especially in the USA context.


Ray Middleton: Ladder4Life

Ray Middleton's Ladder4life offers two levels of trauma informed PIE training, using his own specially prepared on-line resources:  Level One,  working with whole staff teams; and Level Two “Training the PIE Facilitator” training, for key staff in developing PIE and facilitating reflective practice sessions within your teams.


Becky Nixon – Ideas to Impact

Offering training, consultancy and research on psychologically and trauma-informed working, particularly psychologically informed management. Becky has lived experience of trauma and has worked with trauma-informed services since 2014. She has a Management Research MSc and is undertaking a Psychology MSc.


Suzanne Quinney: Appreciating People

Offers training and facilitation to build skills of staff and support the development and enlivening of a PIE, bringing in tailored Positive Psychology and strength based approaches (including Appreciative Inquiry). Author of various articles related to the field. Based in North East Scotland and happy to travel.


Becky Rice: BR research

Providing independent social research in the homelessness sector. Services include evaluations, research projects and consultancy in information management and outcomes frameworks. Specialisms include mixed-methods research, research with people who have complex needs and research in the field of rough sleeping. 

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 Claire Ritchie: No One Left Out

Author of the Westminster Toolkit and early adopter of PIE, Claire led on the development of an integrated health and social care service, the Waterloo Project offering a "trailblazing" and "revolutionary" psychologically informed approach.  Claire has experience as a commissioner and practitioner providing a unique insight into the implementation and evaluation of PIE.


Tassie Weaver: Tassie Weaver Consulting

Tassie’s main interest is in the intersection of PIE and systems thinking, supporting organisations and partnerships in their frontline and/or more strategic work to reflect on and explore the systems they are embedded in, and to identify key opportunities for change, with a focus on getting things done

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