PIEs 2 and the Pizazz as a research tool
One of the principal ambitions* behind the development of the PIEs 2.0 was to provide a more sound basis for future research into the effectiveness and the dynamics of PIEs.
The PIEs 2.0 formula consciously aimed ( See: A brief Future of PIEs, HERE and HERE) to identify the key characteristics and practice elements of a PIE in such a way as to cover all of the territory and the issues that might need addressing, whilst allowing greater focus and precision in actual observable evidence.
That's already quite an ambitious project.
Then the Pizazz, as a combined assessment and action planning formula, aimed to continue and underpin that development, by providing a useful working process for assessment and action panning, which could also provide the basis for data, as evidence.
See: The Pizazz on paper and on screen : HERE
Distance traveled, as a PIE
With greater precision in the definition of the key characteristics of PIEs, and a ‘distance travelled’ approach** for the development of PIEs, it should now be possible to observe the impact of particular developments and interventions in any one field with greater clarity.
The on-line version of the Pizazz - the PIE Abacus*** - also allows in-put and analysis from a range of services into any research project wanting to explore or compare results from interventions over a larger sample size.
NB: The PIEs 2.0 formula also allows us to identify external/systemic issues alongside internal/service-level issues; and the Pizazz process then allows us to pin-point the needed actions and interventions, and map the progress made over time, in system change.
* The others being to provide a clear and practical means to advance the actual practice of PIEs, without being over prescriptive; to expand the range of applicability, without being too general; and to promote a better informed discussion between services and commissioners, senior management, and other local stakeholders.
** rather than an ‘either/or’ - ‘you are or you aren’t a PIE' - approach
*** For an outline and a worked example of the Abacus used in research, we will soon have available a video, in the collection on : Exploring the PIE Abacus (for PIE leads) : HERE. For more on what the Abacus can add, see: PIE and the PIE Abacus as a research tool, HERE
Further background reading/listening/viewing
A single framework : HERE
Partially PIE'd : HERE
The Pizazz on paper and on screen : HERE) .
The Pizazz: the paperwork : HERE.
The Pizazz - what is it NOT? : HERE
PIE and the PIE Abacus as a research tool: HERE
A VERY brief future of PIEs : HERE
A brief future of research into PIEs: HERE
Exploring the PIE Abacus (for PIE leads) : HERE
NB: The Pizazz now comes in two formats - the 'pen and paper' format, and the electronic/on-line format, known as the PIE Abacus. The 'pen and paper' format is suitable for simpler and smaller services, where getting round a table to meet and discuss face-to-face is an option. The electronic/on-line format ( the 'PIE Abacus') is geared for more complex and/or larger services, organisations and networks, where face-to-face meeting is impractical.
For the PIE Abacus, see: The PIE Abacus - an online Pizazz
The simplest, most effective way to evaluate and improve your PIE from Daniel O'Brien on Vimeo.