The PIE Abacus with services using PIEs1

Services using the 'classic' version -  PIEs1

For simplicity and consistency, the Pizazz on paper was created and published using the PIEs 2.0 framework. Yet we know that there are many services that do continue to use - and some to promote - the earlier PIEs 1 (or 'classic') framework.

On the whole, for larger agencies and networks, we would usually strongly suggest transitioning - gradually, if you prefer - from PIEs 1 to PIEs 2.  This is for two main reasons.

Firstly, PIEs 2 has greater breadth. As the PIEs approach began to gain some momentum, and was used in more areas of work, PIEs 2 was designed to keep abreast of this, and encompass many areas and issues that the original account has not included.

As the need for working in service partnerships to meet complex needs becomes more apparent, with systemic links, improved pathways, recognition of barriers (and system change) rising in urgency, the value in a single core framework becomes more apparent (See: A single framework, HERE)

Secondly PIEs 2 has greater clarity of focus; it is rather harder to give specific examples of practice, in the terms of PIEs 1. Although some areas - such as 'training and support', 'using the build environment', and a specific 'psychological model' - are found in both, and these do lend themselves quite well to this, the greater precision in the new framework helps focus more clearly on the specifics of operational practice.


Preserving the centrality of relationships

However, there are many services that have found that 'putting relationships central' has been particularly significant for them; and have asked if that can be included in a Pizazz, The simple answer is that it can.

Those using the Pizazz on paper can simply add another sheet for this (or any further issues that you particularly wish to pick out), in your service. You then work through the same stages - initial assessment, giving evidence, analysing what helps and hinders, etc. (The one thing we would stress though is that if you do, please do try to make sure that all the items that you put there are also reflected in practical and observable items and actions, wherever they fit, in each of the other themes.)

With the PIE Abacus, there is similarly flexibility; but, being software, you must approach it differently.


The PIE Abacus with services using PIEs1

But for those services that have invested time and effort into modelling themselves with PIEs 1, we have also developed a version of customising of the PIE iAbacus that will allow you to use and copy in all the data that you may have, using the earlier model.

The full account, PIEs 2, is still there, only hidden behind the PIEs 1 phrasing; and where it does prove to be more useful to transition gradually to the more comprehensive account, this should now be relatively easy to manage.

For a brief introduction to customising the PIE Abacus, see Customising the PIE Abacus : HERE

For an overall summary of how customising of the PIE Abacus can be put to work in a variety of situations, see 'PIE Abacus - essential briefing for PIE leads' (and any others in comparable roles), HERE


See also:  Using PIEs 1 with Pizazz : HERE

Also:  What do we mean by a PIE? : HERE





The simplest, most effective way to evaluate and improve your PIE from Daniel O'Brien on Vimeo.

PIElink pages

The PIE Abacus - an on-line Pizazz (summary) : HERE

What are people saying about the PIE Abacus? : HERE

Costs and sustainability : HERE

Use and terms of use : HERE

Ambition and modesty : HERE

A single framework : HERE

Customising the PIE Abacus : HERE


All PIE Abacus FAQs HERE


Library items

PIE Abacus - essential briefing for PIE leads' (and any others in comparable roles), HERE)

Weighing the costs and 'value added' of the PIE Abacus : HERE


The PIE Abacus - applications in particular settings:

The PIE Abacus – in medium to large agencies HERE

The PIE Abacus – in local practice networks : HERE

The PIE Abacus – in smaller 'stand alone' services HERE

The PIE Abacus – as a research tool : HERE

The PIE Abacus – in communities of practice : HERE

The PIE Abacus – in service user-led assessments : HERE

The PIE Abacus – with services using PIEs1 : HER


All PIE Abacus FAQs HERE