Roll out and 'top-to-toe' PIE embedding
Special Interest Groups
NB: From 2022, we had planned to extend the PIElink lunchtime forum discussion programme with more on-going engagement via 'Special Interest Groups', or 'SIGs'.
As of 2023, following Robins partial retirement, we now have a new team of enthusiastic volunteers taking up the reins (HERE), and facilitating discussions and groups on the PIElink. This means we are now in the position to move forward with facilitating topic specific discussions via Special Interest Groups.
Natalie Timothy, will be taking the lead on the Research and Evaluation Special Interest Group, so if you are interested in getting involved in this please email at natalie [dot] leona [dot]
A Special Interest Group for PIE leads
Our first Special Interest Group, on Wednesday, 2nd March 2021, was specifically for PIE leads. By this, we mean anyone with the responsibility for introducing and promoting the PIEs approach in any medium to large organisation or network.
In Seasons One, Two and Three of the PIElink community of practice lunchtime forums, (HERE), we had returned continually to the discussion of 'top to toe embedding' of the PIE approach, throughout the whole of the organisation, from the Board of Governors to the frontline of services – from top to toe - and also to reach out to other services in their area. (See the video opposite/below for a summary).
Often it is then seen as the task of one individual, as a PIEs champion or PIE lead within an organisation or a network, to 'roll out' the PIEs approach - or, as some call it, to 'implement' PIEs. (NB: This last is a phrase we are rather less comfortable with, as it implies something pre-planned, which is not how evolution works. But this too is something to discuss...)
That individual might be a member of staff, in the management team; or it might be a consultant brought in to advise; or a specialist, perhaps a psychologist, attached to the service. Either way, we have in mind the person the organisation looks to, to lead, advise, and take it forward.
An opportunity for PIE leads to talk over with others the challenges, the sensitivities and the opportunities seems welcome. This is clearly going to be a perennial issue; and one more suited to the extended, on-going engagement of a Special Interest Group.
Meanwhile : using the Pizazz for roll out.
At the same time, we are hearing that many services are finding the Pizazz an effective process for helping to embed the PIE way of thinking, and at the same time, to advance actual, practical, frontline-led development in the services where it is used. In a larger agency, with multiple services, the PIE Abacus seems an equally effective way to 'take this up a gear'.
For this SIG, therefore, we propose to combine these; to see how PIE leads or PIE Champions can learn from (and even support) each other; and how best we might use and develop the Pizazz and the PIE Abacus, in this work.
There will be a PIElink forum discussion on using the PIE Abacus with the software developers in May 2023; those registered members who are interested should watch out for the email notification.
For more information and resources for PIE leads on the scope of the PIE Abacus, see : HERE and HERE
Further background reading/listening/viewing
The discussion on 'roll out' of the PIE approach, and 'top to toe embedding' throughout a services, was one of the liveliest from Season One of these lunchtime forums.
In the diagram and video above, Robin Johnson sums up, as best he can, the range of issues that were discussed.
(NB: With a twelve minute summary, there is a case for trying to condense it still further, with listed bullet points. But it is the way that all these issues interweave and re-enforce each other that is the central message. So we won't.)
All forums
Season Four : HERE
An 'Editorial Board' for the PIElink? : HERE
Other SIGs
PIEs and Pizazz in tenancy sustainment [SIG] : HERE
PIEs research and evaluation [SIG] : HERE
A service user-friendly language for PIEs and Pizazz : dates t.b.c
Commissioning for PIEs*
- Those interested, contact Natalie at: natalie [dot] leona [dot ]timothy [@] gmail{dot] com)
PLEASE NOTE: By its nature, the discussions on embedding throughout an organisation will have tended to be internal to each agency. There is less written - so far - for the public gaze, as 'case studies'. As the discussions develop, we may expect to see more examples here.