2021 January newsletter and 2020 round up
Editor’s pick of the year
The PIElink’s founder and first curator, Robin Johnson, takes a break from his retirement* to bring out another quite personal selection of some of the most interesting and relevant research, opinion and policy papers of 2020.
The full selection is now on a new page in the PIElink Library area, called ‘Recently added’ - an additional feature for those that cannot check in regularly: HERE.
Here we have just a taste – some of the best recent writings on reflective practice.
- REFLECT – a new model of reflective practice
- Anti-racism matters – from Anna Tickle
- Juggling multiple roles in the post-COVID era - by Helen Miles
- The sense of self in homelessness: (1) House of St Barnabus webinar with John Conolly, Alex Bax, Kerry Shepherd
- The sense of self in homelessness: (2) on narrative therapy – with Suzanne Elliott
- The sense of self in homelessness:(3) A Way of Life – with Paul Ashton
- The dignity in small victories (audio) – by Rachel Clarke
- Dolphins learn new behaviour from their peers (audio)
- The un-reflective practitioner - three modes of functional stupidity
- ‘How’s things?’ - the coffee break Pizazz – new PIElink page
Not only but also..
For the rest of the past year's Bumper Crop, on the 'Recently added' page - a new feature - in the PIElink Library, you will now find a much longer selection to browse, covering:
- Alcohol and drugs
- Building back better : systemic and system change thinking
- Case studies and good practice examples
- Children, families and ACEs
- COVID era learning
- Creating constructive environments
- Health, clinical and diagnostic perspectives
- New insights from psychology and elsewhere
- PIEs in disability and older persons provision
- Research issues and and methods
- Support, peer support, and shared learning
- Trauma and violence, including domestic violence
- Voices
You will now find all these, HERE
That's all, folks!