The potential of the web

The web - though it has been around now for over 20 years - still offers untapped potential, both in the creation of more engaging and accessible material, and in the support of an on-line community of practice.

On the web - as distinct from "static' pages in a published document - we can use video, audio (podcasts), even fully interactive media such as on-line action learning, and webinars.   It allows us to share, 'showcase' and discuss material from other sources, even other fields.

The web then allows us to include a search function in a collection of papers and other useful material - without which, finding what you need gets harder, the more material we add.

Those who register as members can now browse the collected papers, videos etc in the Members’ Library, searching for topics of particular interest; and"drill down" to get at very specific or specialist areas, all within one on-line community. Social networking software allows all members to then get involved in creating or joining networks with similar interests; and in particular discussions via the Forums.

For more on the potential in the use of the web, and all that digital media can offer, to promote PIEs, especially in the field of homelessness, see the ‘Future Developments’ section here, which is where we discuss what we can do next, what works, and what doesn't..

For more on the community of practice, see some of the many articles podcasts and videos in the Library, exploring creative practice as we see it; and browse the keywords, which will give a sense of the breadth and depth of the field.

Also check out the Membership section, with the forums, webinars and advice sessions that we are now able to host here.

Finally, for more on 'closing the loop', see the Policy and Research areas in 'Future Developments'.



Those three 'Big Ideas' again

We have said that not one but three 'Big Ideas' have motivated development of this site.

  • The first is the very idea of a PIE - a psychologically informed environment.
  • The second is the prospect of using the web to the full, as a communication channel, with video, webinars, and a full searchable Library.
  • The third is the ambition of then creating an on-line community of practice, and so to help ‘close the loop’ between research, policy, and practice.

 For a recap of the idea of a PIE, check out the panel on the right side here; and for the potential of the web, see the panel on the left.

For more on the community of practice, and membership - read on.......

 Those who register as members can also then browse the collected papers in the Members’ Library, - especially perhaps the first in the 'Social Psychiatry and Social Policy' trilogy, which launched the term; the “Complex Trauma” guidance (the first use of the term in a government policy paper) and for a more detailed treatment, the “psychologically informed services: operational guidance”.




The basic elements of a PIE

To recap: for a quick introduction to the idea of a PIE, we would recommend the “Handy Guide, which outlines the key elements to consider, in becoming a PIE.

"The handy guide to being a PIE" from Robin Johnson.

Plus the two official (UK) guidance papers - both produced by the same writing team:

 Also browse through the Questions pages on this site - which aim to get you asking the right questions, rather than to answer them.


* also known as "the complex trauma guide"


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