A 'one bead' PIE Abacus
Those who have already come across the 'Coffee Break Pizazz' (HERE) will already know that we have a very simplified version of the Pizazz process as it might be used in an ordinary, almost casual, conversation.
It may still come as a surprise to find that we can do something similar with the software version, the PIE Abacus. The PIE Abacus uses some very sophisticated software, which make it possible to create a very thorough picture of the services that you work with. But part of that sophistication is that it is also possible to make it very simple.
The simplest Abacus of all, for example, would be a 'one bead' Abacus - that is, a single thread for a single issue that is the main focus or issue of concern for any one service, agency or network, at any point in time. This may often be quite a good way to introduce the PIEs approach to services that are quite new to the ideas, and that might find the full framework a lot to take on at first.
Focussing on a single issue
For some services that find themselves at the very beginning of their 'PIE journey', a single bead to start with the centrality of relationships (HERE) may be a good place to start. With a 'one bead' Abacus, the managers of the process can then invite these new services to share their views and experiences solely on that one specific issue.
Note that his new thread stretches across the screen in exactly the same way that the standard, 5-thread Abacus does; and it shows the same levels of progress - 'Poor?', 'Basic', 'Progressing' and 'Advanced' - that you may use to reflect where your service is at currently, in making progress towards your intended position.
The other screens will then guide your services through the stages of the process, from initial assessment to action planning and review; and the more detailed 5-theme framework can follow later, in your own time..
To show or to hide?
It is possible - and it is usually a better idea - to use and display the standard PIE Abacus - the 5-thread Abacus whose threads reflect the 5 core themes of the PIE 2.0 framework - and simply add in a new 6th thread, using the 'any other considerations' button.
It is then clear to all, from the outset, that there is a more detailed picture of the services and system that they may begin to use, whenever they find it useful to go into detail, with all the criteria already spelled out and useful examples suggested. Here the full holistic framework of PIEs 2.0 is available - but not required.
Alternatively you can completely hide and blank out the full PIE Abacus' five threads, so that those you are inviting to join will see on the screen just the one new one, with your new title. The other themes will still be there, blanked out, but ready to be brought back into view whenever you are ready to use them, to deepen or widen the consultations in specific areas. ..
The PIE Abacus - an online Pizazz : HERE
(from the developers of the iAbacus, Daniel O'Brien on Vimeo.)
More text and video briefings for PIE leads : HERE
The Pizazz on paper
The Pizazz on paper (summary sheets) : HERE
The Pizazz Handbook, 'Useful questions' : HERE
A Pizazz assessment facilitators' crib sheet : HERE
For applications in particular settings, see:
The PIE Abacus – in medium to large agencies : HERE
The PIE Abacus – in local practice networks : HERE
The PIE Abacus – in smaller 'stand alone' services : HERE
The PIE Abacus – as a research tool : HERE
The PIE Abacus – in communities of practice : HERE
The PIE Abacus – in service user-led assessments : HERE
The PIE Abacus – with services using PIEs1 : HERE
All PIE Abacus FAQs : HERE