Author Archives: Robin Johnson

About Robin Johnson

I'm the chap that created this website. Also in fact the one who first came up with the term "PIE"


NEWS FLASH : We will be having an interview and Q&A with Jay Levy himself on 9th November, in Season Three of the PIElink community of practice lunchtime forums (HERE). Jay will be talking on his new book – the ‘Pretreatment in Action’ workbook.  The interviewer will be Ray Middleton. ………………. The concept of pretreatment […]

The dignity of tiny victories

  An excerpt from Rachel Clarke’s ‘Dear Life‘, as read on radio (BBC Radio 4) by the author, on her work as a doctor in end of life care, at a hospice. Here, Rachel recounts an encounter with one memorable resident at the home. It’s uplifting story of a thoroughly person-centred approach,  going with a […]

A PIE events in October – Paris

17th October, Paris: ‘L’ environnement informé : cinq ou six principes de base’ This is a presentation on PIEs, in French, as part of the conference   “Quelle hospitalité pour les personnes en rupture de liens?” NB: this talk will be followed by a handful of ‘pop up’ PIE workshops later that week in English, in […]

Announcing: ‘the monthly essay’

August is traditionally the silly season; and so it seems a good time to launch a possibly silly idea – the monthly essay. A bit like a blog – actually very like a blog – the monthly essay could become an opportunity for PIElink readers and writers to take a little longer to play with […]

Re-design stage II

Just been re-designing the layout for the PIElink’s “Questions” pages, partly to bring out the key central issues more clearly, and partly to make space, in a side bar, for more links to other useful content on these themes. Feedback welcome.