August is traditionally the silly season; and so it seems a good time to launch a possibly silly idea – the monthly essay. A bit like a blog – actually very like a blog – the monthly essay could become an opportunity for PIElink readers and writers to take a little longer to play with […]
Author Archives: Robin Johnson
Re-design stage II
Just been re-designing the layout for the PIElink’s “Questions” pages, partly to bring out the key central issues more clearly, and partly to make space, in a side bar, for more links to other useful content on these themes. Feedback welcome.
London region network events in July
On July 27th there are two quite informal gatherings for members in, or in easy reach of, London. The first, all afternoon, 2-5pm, is at a rather nice Tea Room in Vauxhall Gardens. The second is a meal, that same evening, in Soho. For details and/or to book a place at either (just so we […]
A big vote of thanks to Jamie
Behind the scenes at the PIElink, Jamie Baker of DarkWhite has been beavering away constantly, trying to help manage the kaleidoscope of content we have here, come up with new ideas to improve the design, and keep us abreast of constant changes in what the technology enables us to do. As we now embark on […]
Introducing : PIElink’s ‘Spring into Summer’ 2016 webinar schedule
From June 2016, we begin scheduling regular live and interactive webinars for members (and others). We will run live “Virtual Drop In” discussions intended mainly for new members, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, 4-5 pm GMT (NB: US members please adjust for your local time zones, but that time should suit most of you…) […]
The June newsletter has gone to members
Please note: there was no April newsletter, as the editor was on a field trip in the US, and the technology is so much harder to work. Likewise, no May issue, to give us time to process so much new material from the US trip. The June issue is briefer than most. It featured three […]