Beyond Outcomes - a discussion with Joy MacKeith

The PIElink's lunchtime forum for 29th March took the form of an interview with Joy MacKeith, the founder and developer of the Outcome Star - one of the most commonly used, person-centred outcomes measures, in use across the homelessness and social care sector. 

The discussion with Q&A was recorded, and we are now preparing the recording for publication.

In the meantime we would recommend that, if possible, anyone interested should read up on MacKeith's more recent work and direction.   With a new report, 'Enabling Help'  MacKeith first dissects the failure of the dominant contemporary paradigms for service provision:

  • The medical paradigm, which focuses on the helper. It assumes the person is sick or fl awed and the helper has the answers
  • The bureaucratic paradigm, which focuses on the organisation delivering help. It assumes that fairness and risk management are best served through standardisation
  • The market paradigm, which focuses on the commissioner. It assumes that performance is maximised through competition and financial incentives
  • The natural sciences, which paradigm focuses on the intervention. It assumes that what works can be identified and replicated independently of context.

In their place, she argues for a more radical shift in the delivery and commissioning of services, with a firm commitment to person-centred and person-led services. In this. McKeith joins her voice to all those arguing for systems change.

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NB: The second talk in the last week of March was to be on Human Learning Systems, but this is now postponed to a later date, t.b.c

For the full Season Four programme, topics and dates, see: HERE


But DO see also the much earlier article from the 'Housing Care and Support journal (HERE), in which MacKeith outlines the philosophical and ethical roots of the Outcomes Star approach, in liberation theology and empowerment practice.

Background & links

The webinar recording:

For the full report:

How could social provision achieve more : HERE

Enabling help report : HERE


Library items

Enabling help : HERE

Conducting research and evaluation in a person-centred way : HERE

Wellness Action Plans : HERE

Behaving like a system : HERE

Do complex needs need 'complex needs services' ?  (Part 1) : HERE

Do complex needs need 'complex needs services' ?  (Part 2) : HERE


PIElink pages

The forums page : HERE

Approaches to evaluation : HERE

Evaluation by outcomes : HERE

Evaluation of PIEs :  HERE

Whole systems as PIEs : HERE

Enabling environments : HERE