Category Archives: Uncategorized


NEWS FLASH : We will be having an interview and Q&A with Jay Levy himself on 9th November, in Season Three of the PIElink community of practice lunchtime forums (HERE). Jay will be talking on his new book – the ‘Pretreatment in Action’ workbook.  The interviewer will be Ray Middleton. ………………. The concept of pretreatment […]

A PIE events in October – Paris

17th October, Paris: ‘L’ environnement informé : cinq ou six principes de base’ This is a presentation on PIEs, in French, as part of the conference   “Quelle hospitalité pour les personnes en rupture de liens?” NB: this talk will be followed by a handful of ‘pop up’ PIE workshops later that week in English, in […]

Announcing: ‘the monthly essay’

August is traditionally the silly season; and so it seems a good time to launch a possibly silly idea – the monthly essay. A bit like a blog – actually very like a blog – the monthly essay could become an opportunity for PIElink readers and writers to take a little longer to play with […]

Introducing News & Events

This page contains all the latest news, events, community media and inspiration. You’ll also find some teaser content taken from the library (accessible to registered members only).  Members are welcome and encouraged to contribute news, views and details of events by clicking the share button at the top of the page. Any media shared will also […]

Re-design stage II

Just been re-designing the layout for the PIElink’s “Questions” pages, partly to bring out the key central issues more clearly, and partly to make space, in a side bar, for more links to other useful content on these themes. Feedback welcome.