The 'Commissioning for PIEs' Special Interest Group
This page aims to provide a central resource point for the PIElink's 'Commissioning for PIEs' Special Interest Group.
(To join this group, please contact the editor, Natalie Timothy.)
This page now aims to bring together in one place all the references scatted across this site to the central role of commissioning in the development of PIEs, both within services, and in the wider services eco-systems - aiming for a 'PIE of pathways' ( HERE0.
Such references are so scattered throughout this site precisely because commissioning has become so central to the way all services are funded and delivered, and to the overall coherence (or lack of) that all services must work with.
The obvious place to start, for many, will be the page called 'Can smarter commissioning encourage PIEs?' (HERE)
There are some useful pages on the context in which commissioning has become so central, with the historical background (HERE, HERE and HERE), and some alternative or complementary approaches (HERE).
There is a suite of pages on PIEs assessment, focussed on the general and the specifics of assessing to what extent a service works as a PIE (HERE), with the Pizazz and the PIE Abacus as the key tools for self-assessment, both internally and with 36o degree appraisal.
There is also a cluster of pages specifically on evaluation more broadly, as this is often a core concern for services and commissioners alike, beginning with the overall title "On evaluation' (HERE).
Commissioning and eco-systems
- A PIE of pathways : HERE
- Can smarter commissioning encourage PIE? : HERE
- Sector engagement in PIEs 2.0 : HERE
- Pathways, systems and system coherence in PIEs 2.0 : HERE
History and context
- The 'New Public management' approach : HERE
- 'Joined up thinking'? : HERE
- Where did it all come from? : HERE
PIEs assessment
- PIEs assessment - what's the point? : HERE
- The Pizazz on paper and on screen : HERE
- The Pizazz - what is it NOT? : HERE
- The PIE Abacus - an on-line Pizazz (summary) : HERE
360 degree appraisal : HERE
Working with strengths : HERE
On evaluation : HERE
- Service evaluation by outcomes: HERE
- Evaluations of specific interventions: HERE
- Whole systems evaluation: HERE
- 360 degree evaluation : HERE
- Beyond Outcomes - a discussion with Joy MacKeith : HERE
Library items