Distance travelled: towards a PIE services assessment and specification tool
Summary (or abstract)
In this discussion paper series we explore, and attempt to form a preliminary assessment of, the extent to which it is possible now to develop a new PIEs Service Assessment and Specification tool, as a 'distance travelled' measure, both for services and for research.
This first section has a brief summary of the case made. (So, in the language of published papers, this would be called an 'abstract'.)
For individual sections, now see the right hand panel.
NB: The original formulation of a PIE – the customary, standard or "classic' framework (as outlined HERE ) - was intended to be both analytic and promotional; even inspirational. But whilst this may still hold good for such purposes, but it also has some blind spots, or awkward phrasing ( Discussed HERE ).
The new and different task of assessment and specification may necessitate some small revisions of the now customary PIEs framework, in switching from identifying underlying thinking, to identifying observable practices. It nay be valuable to scan those papers too, as part of this development.
Further background reading/listening/viewing
PIElink pages
On the development of a PIE services assessment and specification tool
Abstract and summary
( a.k.a. A preliminary exploration for a co-production approach to services assessment and specification as Psychologically Informed Environments) : HERE
1: Development, flexibility and fidelity : HERE
2: Key requirements in principle for a PIEs assessment tool : HERE
3: Specific elements required in a PIEs assessment tool : HERE
4: Externally observable evidence of expressions of the key elements : HERE
5: Other models of assessment for complex interventions and environments : HERE
6: Borrowing and adaptation for a PIEs Service Assessment and Specification tool : HERE
7: A summary of essential and desirable features for a PIEs assessment tool : HERE
8: Development funding, options appraisal : HERE
9: Progress monitoring : HERE
10: The name 'Pizazz' - a note on terminology : HERE
Library items
Memes - a cautionary tale (Part One: TCs and PIEs) : HERE
A new and fully customisable framework for PIEs : HERE
Learning and enquiry, and the cycles of practice based learning : HERE