Return on Investment (ROI) considers not just costs but benefits or savings – what is gained. Social Return on Investment (SROI) includes in the calculation wider, more ‘systemic’ savings – some quite intangible or hard to quantify with precision, but clearly relevant.
Keyword Groups: Organisation
For these purposes, we propose to distinguish “private sector” and “independent”, using “private sector” for a company with shareholders and employees, and “independent” for a small enterprise with one or a handful of partners, such as trainers and consultants, providing their own services for a fee.
Actively seeking and creating inter-agency relationships and co-ordination (ie: at managerial level, not just in casework with individuals) . See also ‘system broker’.
change management
The task or skills of re-engineering a service to meet new, or changing needs.
policy or strategy
Policy and strategy may be a distinct job title for some workers; or may be simply part of the overall responsibilities of a staff member, from CEO to middle or service manager, depending on the culture of devolution in any service or area.
organisational culture
The way things are done, as a matter of attitude or philosophy, rather than the specifics of service delivery or the particular “rules of engagement” ( See also ‘rules of engagement’; ‘values-based practice’, ‘faith-based practice’, ‘social value/purpose’)
New Public Management
The approach to provision of state-funded services whereby independent agencies are commissioned to provide these services, operating as businesses, and accountable to the state (central or local government) for ‘delivery’ of these ‘outcomes’.
Individual Budgets are an approach to funding of support and care services whereby the vulnerable individual is given some measure of control over the kind of highly personalised support they will receive, within an agreed budget allocation for themselves. In some cases, the individual has full control over the budget; in others, they have a […]
Payment by Results
PbR is an approach to funding of support and care services whereby services are paid only according to the measured effectiveness of their service, according to pre-specified outcome measures. (See ‘New Public Management’, ‘metrics and measures’, ‘Individual Budgets’ etc
Use for issues arising from a competition framework for services. See also ‘commissioning’, ‘partnership’, ‘New Public Management’