The way that an organisation gets the income needed to provide its goods or services.
Keyword Groups: Organisation
Use for issues arising from a competition framework for services. See also ‘commissioning’, ‘partnership’, ‘New Public Management’
Use this term, in preference to “private sector”, for individuals or small teams, such as trainers and consultants, providing their own services for a fee.
Use this term flexibly, to accommodate a range of organisations which exist primarily for public benefit.
arms-length organisation
An organisation, formally independent, but existing primarily or solely to provide services for or on behalf of central or local government.
government agency
Central, regional or local government – the distinction between them can be identified in the ‘Range’ codes. NB: For QUANGos, use ‘arms length organisation’, plus codes in ‘Sector’, to indicate (for example) an organisation for regulation and inspection which is set up by, but formally independent of, government
Use this is your service is specifically concerned with homelessness, rather than including homelessness as one of many service need issues.
housing-related support
In the UK, ‘housing related support’ was term used and loosely defined in a government-funded programme that has now been wound down. Many of the services set up over this period still exist, and many services till identify themselves with the original definition of their role, although there is now greater flexibility and fewer constraints […]
representation and campaigning
A membership-based organisation that exists to articulate and actively promote the needs and views of its members, and/or the particular community of interest that its members cares for
service development
As with policy and strategy, service development may be a specific role, or an issue that all frontline managers will be dealing with. (Use this also for ‘new business’ development.)