Navigating this site - a short tour guide
The design and layout of this website can seem, on first encounter, frankly baffling.
It's certainly not a very conventional site.
With a single framework (HERE) for such a huge range of diverse services and approaches, there is just so much ground to cover in the PIEs concept itself- let alone the illustrations and actual practice examples.
For those new to the whole idea, and to the site, you will hopefully have begun at START HERE : HERE
Then you might either want to go straight to the Big Picture of PIEs 2.0, with 'PIEs - the basics' : HERE and follow any lead from there.
Or, for a broader introduction to the spirit of the PIE approach, you might browse the 'Some general advice pages' : (HERE)
For those with specific interests and concerns - which is most people - using the main tabs you can often go straight to the area or subject that drew you here in the first place, or something close enough, to make your way in (see: PIEs in practice : HERE ).
Or you might go to the Case studies and practice examples, to see if we have a selection there on the issues you want to explore: HERE
But there are far too many possible angles , weaving and inter-weaving, to make one straight channel for every possible viewer. To have many more would simply overload the view finder.
Instead, you may find yourself winding and wending your way around like a tourist in the mediaeval old town district of some modern bustling metropolis. Yes, there are the main roads, and the big plazas. But do feel free to browse, to branch off at any point and follow any thread on any issue.
Just to whet your appetite for some of the range we have here, have a look down the fairly eclectic selection in the side panel here.
PIEs case studies – a selection of new and used material by topic
NB: this collection of pages, and selection of examples, is always incomplete. We are constantly gathering and arranging new material; and these links and this material will be built up in stages. But the themes we currently propose to use are:
- Introducing the PIE approach : HERE
- The built environment and adaptations : HERE
- Using the whole environment: HERE
- Outreach, pathways, and environments without buildings : HERE
- PIEs, communities and a sense of belonging : HERE
- Clubhouses, cores, and campus models : HERE
- PIEs in therapy settings : HERE
- 'Psychologically informed business environments' : HERE
- Whole system PIEs : HERE
- PIEs and ‘exclusion-informed research’ HERE
You will very likely find it as or more useful to scan the site by theme, with its specific sub-sections, in which this same selection is re-shuffled and each individual example appears - with sometimes more additional examples - under one or (often several) more useful headings.
For a similar approach (and inevitably some overlapping material) from an earlier sample, see also: Recently added, in the Library : HERE
A tantalising sample selection of reading/listening/viewing
Introducing the PIE approach : HERE
Some general advice : HERE
Digging Deeper : HERE
Further background reading/listening/viewing
Some pages to get lost in
A single framework : HERE
Case studies : HERE
How far do you want to go? : HERE
Partially PIE'd ? : HERE
From PIEs 1 to PIEs 2.0 : HERE
The ethics and politics of PIE : HERE
The coffee break Pizazz : HERE
Baby steps (Peer review) : HERE
The Pizazz - on paper and on screen : HERE
The PIE Abacus - an on-line Pizazz (summary) : HERE
PIE Abacus FAQs : costs and sustainability : HERE
Library items in alphabetical order
1011 Lansdowne: Turning Around a Building, Turning Around Lives — Elise Hug (HERE
1811 Eastlake – Daniel Malone et al – An example of 'single site housing' creating a supportive recovery community within the Housing First model (Coming Soon)
A trauma informed design checklist: Design Resources for Homelessness, Florida : HERE
A walk in the park – Paula Corcoran – on constructive use of the local environment to change relationships : HERE
A Whole New World – Toby Lowe et al – a radical approach to psychologically informed commissioning; creating a PIE of pathways; markers of whole systems change HERE
Back on your feet - Suzanne Quinney - a pilot for using Appreciative Inquiry as a strengths model, creating a learning organisation HERE
Banking on Time – Graham Gardiner - working with short attention spans; a psychologically informed business environment : HERE
Behaving like a system – Lankelly Chase – a pilot in Coventry, identifying markers of whole systems change HERE
Bell Hotel Supportive Housing Project - PIEs in Housing First - single site permanent supported Recovery Housing HERE
Building recovery communities – Brian Morgan – peer support for recovery from addiction; a psychologically informed business environment; HERE
Car, bus, tram or unicorn – Ruth Franceska - outreach work; fresh thoughts on constructive use of the 'found' environment HERE
Community work in homelessness outreach – Brendan Plante : HERE
Complex needs and available data - Grant Everrett - gathering multiple datasets for mapping complex needs: exclusion-informed research Grant Everrett HERE
Developing a psychological model (with PIEs 1) : learning from a Housing Association pilot - Aileen Edwards - HERE
Development at Father Bills – John Yaswinski and April Conolly - creative responses to finding new mental health needs from a pioneer of Housing First HERE
Dunmore Canedin team – using data; development in dialogue (Coming Soon)
Highwater House annual report – on PIE implementation: using elastic tolerance:low costs changes in building adaptation: move-on and co-location HERE
Implementing a Psychologically Informed Environment in a service for young homeless people - Jeremy Woodcock & Jamie Gill - attachment theory in action; becoming a learning organisation HERE
Participatory Appraisal – Zack Ahmed - a new approach to consultation for systems learning; exclusion-informed research HERE
Person-centred research – Juliette Hough and Becky Rice - exclusion-informed research (2) HERE
Pre-treatment therapy – John Conolly - applications of PIEs and pretreatment in therapy settings (1)(Coming Soon)
Reflexive photography – Leonie Boland - OT in re-homing; exclusion-informed research. (Video HERE)
Scaffolding of hope – Coral Westaway - the staff role; exclusion-informed research (3) HERE
Simon Community Leith - youth work; community project (Coming Soon)
Street Buddies – Louise Simonsen - the subtlety of unmeasurable engagement HERE
System change - Ray Middleton & Alex Smith - system brokerage at Fulfilling Lives, Newcastle Gateshead HERE
The Big Issue as a psychologically informed business environment (an interview with Stephen Robertson ) working with short attention spans, scaffolding new strengths HERE
Towards a PIE city – Sian Clark - PIEs in acute wards in Bristol; reflective practice ; applications in therapy settings HERE
Veterans Community Project, Kansas City – Kevin Jamieson - community and peer support in transitional housing HERE
Well-being by design: the questions you might ask - Genesis Housing Association - a simple tool for judging how the environment might feel HERE
Westminster City’ Ten Top Tips - Victoria Aseervatham – medium- low- and no cost changes HERE
Women at the Well – Caroline Hattersley - all systems negotiation – spaces of opportunity - at WATW (Coming soon)
Y-Adapt - Y people – a clubhouse model for PIE implementation in a youth work service: development and community HERE