PIEs and neuro-diversity
On 16th November, 2021, as part of the PIElink community of practice lunchtime forums, there was a preliminary discussion on PIEs in neuro-diversity - services for people with learning difficulty, autism, and related issues. This is a subject that we are barely beginning to explore, as a community of practice.
Yet we have found that over the past year in particular we have a growing number of people registering on the PIElink whose work is with learning difficulties, autism, or other forms of neuro-diversity. Meanwhile we have many 'general needs' housing services that have tenants with such needs - and not just in designated supported accommodation.
(As one of our papers on public health (HERE) had noted, we find in social housing a much higher concentration of those with milder autistic spectrum characteristics; and not necessarily recognised.)
We should also not assume that all staff in services are 'neuro-typical'.
So how do we learn together what works? We learn from talking to each other. So when the full forums program is ready to resume, this will be one of the subjects we are most keen to explore..
To register, email : forums@pielink.net.
Further background
Seniors and other long-term support needs : HERE
Library items
Autism and homelessness - a briefing for frontline staff : here
The Low Arousal Approach - a practitioners; guide : here
Autism awareness in homelessness (audio): HERE
The drama triangle and other un-wanted repetitive patterns in care services : HERE
Hospice care as applied ethics - values-based practice in Ann Arbor : HERE
Public health and social housing - a natural alliance? : HERE
Making small practical changes for dementia friendly environments : HERE)