PIEs in youth services
On 11th November, 2021, as part of the PIElink community of practice lunchtime forums, Season Three (HERE), we had a discussion on PIEs in youth services.
A high proportion of all those who had attended the Seasons One and Two forums were working in youth services; and this seems a fairly accurate reflection of the extent to which it is youth homelessness services that have adopted the PIE approach with the most enthusiasms, at least in the early days of the PIElink.
It may perhaps be that there is something in the spirit of PIE that appeals most readily to youth services, where an element of optimism about a future that can be different from the present is hard to suppress. But is there something different, or even particular to youth services, that we might still want to bring out more clearly? What can we learn in particular from or for a focus on youth?
The forum on 11th November made a start in exploring this. And as ever with these PIElink forums, we hope to continue to put people and services that have something in common in touch with each other, to learn from and to support each other.
To register, email : forums@pielink.net.
For the full Season Three programme, topics and dates, see: HERE
Further background
Library items
NB: Library items here are presented simply in alphabetical order, without themes or threads. Perhaps we can do better than this?
Crime and disorder - Personality disorder typologies and learned defiance in the prison system (Robin Johnson) : HERE
Implementing a psychologically informed environment in a service for homeless young people (Jeremy Woodcock and Jamie Gill) : HERE
Live, learn, grow - supporting transitions to adulthood for homeless youth (Stephen Gaetz and Fiona Scott) : HERE
Meeting the needs of detached young runaways through PIEs (Emilie Smeaton) : HERE
On the challenges of rural youth homelessness (Claire Fisher and Rob Elkins) : HERE
Person-centred, holistic, psychologically informed: the young women's housing project (Jacqui Smith) : HERE
Psychological resilience interventions for youth recidivism: A systematic Review (Rowan Hodgkinson et al) : HERE
Reflection on (our) national youth homelessness PIE conference (Helen Miles) : HERE
The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts; findings from a cross-national European study (Karen Duke et al) : HERE
St Basils' PIEs : meeting the psychological and emotional needs of homeless young people (Jennifer Cumming et al) : HERE
Using standardised measurement to evaluate behaviour change in young people (Emma Belton) : HERE