October 2017
On the future of PIEs, and the PIElink
After a long silence over the summer, October’s newsletter is not just in catch up mode. Instead, it's all about looking to the future.
We have the results in from the 2017 members' survey, and some preliminary conclusions about future directions, including options for a sustainable business model, post-2018.
We have news of the ‘revised PIEs formulation’ and the emerging new self assessment framework, a.k.a. the 'Pizazz'.
We also have some suggestions for creating a directory of PIE trainers and facilitators, for those of you wanting some face-to-face in-put; and for those able to offer it.
The PIElink members’ survey
This is what you tell us you needed and valued.
We have a 'short and sweet' summary on the main points made, with PIE charts (sic) HERE, and we have another, rather longer, that gives all those responses in full, for those that would like to see the original data, un-edited HERE.
Plus we now have a new page on the PIElink site itself on the conclusions we might draw from that exercise for the future, covering issues such as : making contacts and mapping; the range of content; using new technologies; the sheer complexity of the issues and the challenges for design of the site; news and newsletters; advice and support. HERE
The revised formulation (of what a PIE is all about)
After some years in slow gestation, the revised and updated formulation of what the essentials of a PIE are is now ready to share with a wider group.
We now have a short (3+ page) summary of the main changes proposed HERE. We also have a half hour video, that explains the reason for these changes, and looks at the advantages in this new version. (For the moment, this is only available on request* Finally, there will be a series of Masterclass events face-to-face in London at the end of November (enrol HERE) , and also subsequently on-line (by arrangement)
Options for the future of the PIElink
The editor, Robin Johnson, plans to step down in 2018; but in any case, as the PIE concept grows in momentum and also in scope, this website has long since outgrown what one person can produce.
Maintaining this project needs either investment, to grow or partnership, to consolidate. Or both. It needs time, even for Plan C - the exit strategy.
- And now a word for our sponsors (HERE)
- PIELink future sustainability plans A, B & C in summary (HERE),
Returning to: the Directory idea
We receive a number of requests for suggestions for a trainer or consultant, for those of you wanting some face-to-face in-put to help specific services in their development. We also do know of a number of people able to offer that. Plus, it seems from the survey that there is a widespread demand for this. So now we return to the suggestion of setting up a directory of trainers and consultants, as once suggested a few months back. Would a directory now be useful?
So we have created a new page for this (in that way it can be rapidly updated; and also, you can comment). For the moment, it is in the Members area. Perhaps it should be more public - but until we know its worth doing at all, and working, perhaps let's keep it in house? For now, though, it's HERE