January 2017


NB: January's newsletter began with one early announcement - of a forthcoming conference; two attractive free offers  - process consultancy and "training, grant-funding, peer to peer support and expert advice" on SROI;  and three invitations to participate in PIE developments, including the "PIE clinics",   Plus :

"Live, learn, grow; supporting transitions to adulthood for homeless youth" a report from the Canadian HomelessHub that endorses the foyers model, and suggests - refreshingly! - that services in Canada have much to learn from such services in the UK. 

'Ending homelessness faster by focussing on 'what works' Towards a world-leading centre for homelessness impact'. Glasgow Housing Network are proposing the creation of a new study centre devoted to research on impact of homelessness interventions. This report, by Ligia Texeira of Crisis, is a feasibility study and outline business case for the proposed centre.

'St Basils Psychologically Informed Environments – meeting the emotional and psychological needs of young homeless people''. This report and evaluation study of the introduction of a PIE framework by researchers at the local university shows not just the impact of the development, but also the value in making links with local universities.

'Traumatic brain injury and offending described as 'an economic analysis', but it also covers the scale and the consequences of TBI, and may be useful, especially for those working with younger offenders.