April 2017
Sometimes newsletters seem to naturally be about one particular thing; and sometimes not. April's newsletter has a lot about a developing dialogue between the UK and the US over developments such as Housing First, and Trauma Informed Care; and what we can learn from each other. Plus a couple of useful insights into alcohol.....
We begin with two papers, outlining the connections between psychologically informed environments and trauma informed care.
- An introduction to Psychologically Informed Environments and Trauma Informed Care: a briefing for homelessness services from HomelessLink HERE
- Core skills of engagement - pre-treatment, trauma-informed care and psychologically informed environments: HERE
Then two examples of services – one in the UK, and one in the US - that are using both; in this case, in the context of domestic violence.
- Rainbow services: Trauma Informed Care and Psychologically Informed Environments with Intimate Partner Violence services in Los Angeles: HERE
- Person-centred, holistic, psychologically informed : the Young Women’s Housing Project approach: HERE
We then have numerous items on the current impact of the adoption of Housing First as a government policy, in the US.
- The first (as promised last month) is a commentary, from a European perspective on a policy statement issued in the US on substance abuse and 'Recovery Housing' (which you will find HERE), and the US federal government's attempts at reconciling HF principles with the expressed wishes of some residents to have ‘dry houses’, and even to pass through rehabilitation services. HERE
- The second, 'Intersections between the Domestic Violence and Homelessness Programs' describes the closure of domestic violence services in California, for failing to fit the Housing First model; HERE
- The third, 'Community First!' brings recent news items on the creativity HF has brought in Austin Texas, in reconciling instant housing with a strong community ethos HERE
- The fourth, 'A discussion with Veterans Village CEO Kevin Jamison', offers a contrasting view from veterans housing services (in Missouri) adamantly refusing to use HF principles; HERE
- The fifth, HERE, is a podcast collection, excerpts from the Q&A of recent discussions and presentations, taking questions raised on developments in Housing First in the US, England, Scotland and France.
And then for some light relief (?) two recent psychology research papers with useful insights for working with alcohol.