August 2016

Impact claim: how can you be sure you cause the change?
A short think piece, and an introduction to Sinzer's useful (and free) easy-reading step-by-step guide to Social Return On Investment.

"But surely they choose to live like this?"
A podcast from Jay Levy, on that awkward question that so many - politicians in particular -  still seem to ask shows, once again, the importance of finding the words to explain ourselves to each other. 

Loving Beggars: how to escape from stereotypes about street people
A provocative think piece by Cambridge University anthropologist Johannes Lenhard, on starting to see relationships between street beggars.

Wodehouse Eaves; dismantling the 'leaving care' crisis.
An account by Robin Johnson of an adolescents' hostel run by Social Services in North London in the 1970s which challenged conventional thinking, and raises some interesting questions now about the role of a "home", and the nature of authority and community. 

A review of nature-based interventions for mental health care, 
This report, by Rachel Bragg and Gavin Atkins, was commissioned by Natural England. It covers a lot of the challenges in research and commissioning for environment-based approaches.

'The PIE report is live!'
Ray Middleton's first blog describes Fulfilling Lives'  evaluation of developing PIEs ( as reported also in last month's newsletter). 

Randomised controlled trial of GP-led in-hospital management of homeless people (‘Pathway’)
The Faculty's Nigel Hewett (and others) report on an RCT trial of a primary care led healthcare for the homeless in hospital. It's HERE.