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The version of PIE that was first proposed and developed, in the article in 2010 that first suggested the phrase, was principally concerned to describe the kinds of environments that we found within services with a building that they could manage and adapt - hostels, refuges, and other forms of 'transitional supported accommodation'.
Even so, the authors - and the UK government guidance that included this account - suggested that networks of supported housing, such as 'move-on' accommodation and 'core-and-cluster' (or 'hub-and-spoke') models, even the conscious use of parks and gardens as environments, were equally good as examples of the same kind of awareness in action.
Some years later. when the PIEs 2 formulation was published, this area was by then seen as sufficiently significant, but also sufficiently distinct, to be given a sub-heading of its own, as one of the practice elements in the overall 'Spaces of Opportunity' theme (HERE).
Nevertheless, as only one of three practice elements clustered under this theme, there was not a lot of attention paid to outreach work; and what there was was largely subsumed under the broader category of 'core skills of engagement' - the common ground between PIEs as such an Jay Levy's work on Pretreatment (HERE).
The examples of practice give in the Library selection here may hopefully go some way towards remedying this oversight.