Skype is probably still the obvious software for a simple 2-person discussion, if only because we’re all pretty much familiar with it.  But there are now new kids on the technology block, that we are experimenting with at the moment.

Two in particular are Blab and Periscope, that allow us, in effect, to offer ‘live on air’ broadcasting, in real time – without a studio or other high technology and great expense, but from your office or home, your laptop, or even your smartphone.

Please read on as we explain the use, and the potential, of each, and how they could prove vital tools in the development of PIEs and the PIElink.


BLAB.IM offers users the abilities to host a live video broadcast known as a Blab, each Blab has up to 4 seats which can be occupied by anyone in the world provided they have an account and a webcam. Blab is not private, anyone can follow the blab, ask questions and get involved, followers can even ask to take a seat and become part of the broadcast.

PIElink editor Robin Johnson has been experimenting with Blab and it's something we're keen to bring to the site in the very near future. Below is a recent Blab pilot recorded with Robin and Ray Middleton of fulfilling lives.

You'll see the broadcast begins with two speakers (one in Newcastle, one in Cornwall) who had planned this talk.

Some others, off screen, as questions.

These first two on screen are then joined by a third (in Bristol), who as it happens had only heard of this technology and the discussions a few minutes earlier.

It really IS that easy to join and use........

Signing up & Joining

Both pieces of software use a Twitter account to login. If you're not already a Twitter user signing up is easy, we've recorded this quick guide to get you started. The video below guides you through the next step of signing into Blab.


Registered Twitter users can head to and sign in using your Twitter account, again we've recorded a quick guide to help you along.

 All upcoming broadcasts and webinars will be announced here on the PIElink, in our monthly newsletter and via our Twitter account.

Periscope works in similar way to Blab, the main difference being the ability to host a 'narrowcast' - an invitation only broadcast. So for a managers’ group, or an action learning set, or any discussion where some degree of confidentiality is important, Periscope may be the better option. Unlike Blab periscope only offers 2 users the ability to broadcast, with all others merely commenting from the sidelines.

Here at PIElink we intend to use Blab predominantly, however periscope may be used for more formal training material in the future.