The forums programme

PIEs schedule of community of practice discussions

All PIElink forums are conducted via Zoom (HERE)

2023 began with a new initiative: a monthly drop-in advice session for anybody with specific questions or queries regarding PIE : HERE

For the autumn of 2024 and Spring 2025, these monthly 'Open Forum' sessions will resume, with Robin Johnson -  back in good health - in the chair.


Below, however, we have an indication of the range of topics from Seasons1-4, with, as an example,  the full programme for Season 4, which ran from February to April 2022; plus two un-scheduled additional sessions as the opportunity arose. You will find all those discussions that were recordable, or summarisable, in the side panel. (Scroll down for those reading on a mobile phone)

These forum have now resumed, but currently only on a monthly basis (the last Thursday of each month) through resource cnstraints ( ie: simply lack of time from the volunteers team who are now taking on the programme) until such time as new funding allows us to expand again.


Season Four Schedule

February 15th  and 17th:     The future of PIEs and the PIElink; current plans

February 22nd  and 24th:    'Roll out' and 'embedding' of PIEs

March 1st and 3rd:   Housing First, PIEs & Pizazz

March 8th and 10th :   PIEs and the research community

March 15th and 17th :  'Relationships' in PIEs 2.O and the Pizazz?

March 22nd and 24th :   Do we need a PIElink editorial board?

March 29th   :    Getting systemic (1) : Beyond Outcomes' (with Joy MacKeith of Triangle Consulting) : HERE

March 31st   :    Getting systemic (2) : Human Learning Systems

April 5th and 7th :     Where are we now?



NB: To keep abreast of a fast-changing world and new opportunities, there might often be additional forum sessions, where there was a clear demand for it.

For example, we had the opportunity for extra sessions on:

  • a session on Trauma-Informed Design, with Jill Pable of Design Resources for homelessness (HERE); and
  • another, co-hosted with Housing First England, to continue the discussion on PIEs, Housing First, and community integration (HERE).
  • a consultation on the proposed language of the replacement for Triangle Outcome Star for 'homelessness' : HERE
  • a Q&A with Jay Levy on the release of his new workbook, 'Pretreatment in action' : HERE
  • Beyond Outcomes - a Q&A with Joy MacKeith on here 'Enabling Help' pamphlet : HERE

If you have suggestions or requests for a discussion on any particular topic, for future seasons, do feel free to email


Regional and national conversations

NB:   In the meantime, we are currently having parallel discussions focussed on more specific national jurisdictions – Scotland, Wales, Southern Ireland, continental Europe, Australia - and even London - anywhere where government structures, policies and attitudes, and consequently possibilities, can be quite different.

To register an interest in any or all of these, and for some prior briefing material, you can still mail us at

But please DO check that your email system does allow you to receive emails from this address – a surprising number do seem to treat them as spam or phishing. Failing that,  you may have to check with the Forums page to get any up-dated news.


Joining a discussion

To join these discussions, email to forums [at], and we will be able to send on any further details, when they do resume..

You can join without being a registered member; but it is far better to be in communication; and members will receive advance notification of planned forums, via the members' mailing list.

NB: but please DO check your spam filters and settings, to be sure you do receive our emails (ie. anything formatted *, as we have had throughout 2021 an unusually high number of 'no shows' and 'email blocked' messages.

(If you do NOT receive a reply, you may find it helpful to watch the video opposite, for joining instructions.)



Further links and background



Please note that for a period, automated communications on the forums will continue to come in the name of 'Roger Wenack'.

For an explanation, see the video above....


PIElink Special Interest Groups

Housing First, PIEs and Pizazz  [SIG] : HERE

Roll out and PIE embedding [SIG for PIE leads * ] : HERE

PIEs research and evaluation [SIG] : HERE


PIElink on-line forum topic pages

An 'Editorial Board' for the PIElink? : HERE

Where are we now? : HERE

Finding the words - the language that works best : HERE

PIEs in Youth services : HERE

PIEs and neuro-diversity : HERE

PIEs in Domestic (and other?) violence  :  HERE

Smarter commissioning for PIEs : HERE

Beyond Outcomes' with Joy MacKeith of Triangle Consulting : HERE

Psychologically informed boundary setting : HERE

The language of the homelessness outcome Star: HERE

(an additional forum specifically to discuss service users' views of the proposed language of the recently revised version. )

(See also : PIE leads: using the Pizazz and PIE Abacus : HERE)

From Season One

Trauma informed design - working with the built environment (a Q&A with Jill Pable) : HERE

'Pretreatment in Action' - an interview with Jay Levy : HERE


Other background - pages

Is the PIE evolving? (summary) : HERE

PIEs 1, 2 - and 3? : HERE

The Inner Game of PIE : HERE


Discussions, questions and forums : (PIElink sections)

  • Discussions : (HERE)
  • Questions : (HERE)

PIE leads: using the Pizazz and PIE Abacus [SIG] : HERE

Other background - Library items

Learning and Enquiry and the cycles of practice-based learning : HERE