PIEs in Australia
NB: This page does not appear in the PIElink menus, so it will only be discoverable and visible to those that have the hyperlink, to take you here.
Which means that, by adding 'comments' in the boxes below, we can at least communicate through this page, even when we cannot - yet? - by email. So now, here we can each post and share material.
For the moment, I will begin with 'Reasons to be careful, Pt 3 ' - the page I mentioned that makes the case, I hope, for listening carefully to the views of those find the PIEs approach imposed upon them. That's here: HERE
There (also HERE) you will also find the link to the first rough draft of a survey, 'Prior awareness and staff attitudes....', aiming to ascertain the initial and subsequent responses of staff, and thereby to appreciate and engage ALL views and responses.
Incidentally, when you come to look at the Pizazz, and the Handbook - 'Useful questions' (HERE) - with advice on using it for teams' self assessment and development planning, you will see that the advice there is to make sure that all staff are given permission, even encouraged, to question the appropriateness of any one specified 'psychological model', if the agency they work in has decided to adopt and endorse one.
Finally - for now - if the Pizazz does seem a useful tool for team-led reflection and development, I would strongly recommend watching some of the videos on the PIE Abacus, the software version.
The Abacus is intended for a network or a large organisation with many services - especially where they are often geographically dispersed - and wanting to get an overview of progress, hindrances and suggestions.
There is a whole page (HERE) devoted to a half dozen or so rather amateurish videos that I have made; and the most obvious one to start with would be 'Across the board - creating a PIE Abacus structure for a medium- to large agency'. But you might also find a few of the others useful, such as the second one, on staff support and buddying
You could have a browse around some of the preliminary advice on 'Getting started with the PIE Abacus' (page : HERE); and if you do decide to check it out, you can go straight to the software team, Opeus, to sign up for a trial : HERE
If you'd like to give it a try, a free trail can last however long you need it to, to try it first with a few of the more keen before offering it to others; and I could put you in touch with a few who are using it now.
Further background, useful links and suchlike
Bringing all staff with you
PIElink forum on'Top to toe embedding' : HERE
'Reasons to be careful, Pt 3 ': HERE
'Prior awareness and staff attitudes....' : HERE
'Useful questions' : HERE
PIE research and evaluation
A brief future of PIEs : HERE
On evaluation (page) : HERE
Learning and Enquiry and the cycles of practice-based learning : HERE
The PIE Abacus
'Across the board - creating a PIE Abacus structure for a medium- to large agency' (on the Advice and resources for leads page : HERE )
'Getting started with the PIE Abacus' (page) : HERE
Opeus' 'iAbacus for PIE' pages, to sign up for a trial : HERE
Implementation science webinar:
Implementation Science: Why it Matters for the future of social work
Implementation Science: Why it matters for the future of social work - PMC (nih.gov)
Implementation in action guide:
An introduction to Implementation Science from Orgyen (a youth mental health org)
(attachment LINK to follow)
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