Pizazz training and accreditation
The aim of the Pizazz training, and of accreditation, is to help ensure that anyone in any PIE facilitator role - whether a PIE lead in a provider agency, or an independent trainer or consultant - is able to feel fully confident that they are up to speed with current developments in the field; and able to facilitate team or service assessments using the Pizazz, either on paper, or in the software version - The PIE Abacus.
There are/will two levels: basic and advanced.
Basic level
The basic training covers
- an introduction to PIEs and the underlying spirit in a PIE approach;
- a quick basic history, including the development of the PIEs 2.0 framework;
- navigating the PIElink and the members' Library
- how to use the key themes in PIEs 2.0;
- some examples of practice in each field;
- the self-assessment approach and the PIE Abacus.
Advanced level
The advanced training will simply go further into all these areas, for those who feel the need for a more through grounding in the principles and practice of PIEs.
Certification and accreditation
Both the basic and the advanced trainings come with a completion certificate. It is the advanced level that will come with an accreditation - not a formal test as such, but at least a guarantee that you have finished the full course - and 'affiliate ' status.
In each case, the training comes with an allocation of personalised 'mentoring' time, to allow people to ask their own specific and individual questions t(hat may apply more to, for example, their client group, setting, agency or role); and also the option of further mentoring at a reduced hourly rate of £60 per hr.
As an example of some of the material that will be available to course participants, we include here (in the side panel to the right) a few of the documents
The intentions
The intention
Pizazz and PIE Abacus training: Basic and Advanced levels HERE
The benefits of training
Accredtation and Affilation
The ethics and politics of PIEs HERE
Some indicative reading and viewing
Everything you ever wanted to know about PIEs, but were afraid to ask HERE
A very brief history of PIEs (2017 edition) HERE
Does it take a psychologist to make a PIE? HERE