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‘Making a home’ – an OT perspective on tenancy sustainment
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Leonie Boland
occupational therapist
social therapy
developing PIEs thinking
housing stability
organisational culture
narrative account
health policy
Making a home – Leonie Boland ‘Making a home’: an occupational perspective on sustaining tenancies following homelessness. Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1935757 Participants were given digital cameras and asked to take photographs that represented their use of time and everyday activit…
Enabling Help: how social provision can work better for the people it serves
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Joy MacKeith
In the Enabling Help report, Joy MacKeith – the founder of the Outcome Stars – extends the recent critiques of the New Public Management (NPM) approach, and spells out her analysis of the various ways that the four ‘dominant paradigms’ of recent research and development in public services administr…
Debate: The ‘transactional gaze’ and other lenses shaping and constraining the delivery of public services
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Joy MacKeith
thematic analysis
One type
This paper, by Joy MacKeith, developer of the Outcomes Star and the author of ‘Enabling Help’ (HERE), is an invited commentary on ‘New development: Relational public services – reform and research agenda’, by Wilson et al (HERE) . Both papers highlight a ‘disconnect’ between academic discourse in wh…
New development: Relational public services – reforms and research agenda
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Rob Wilson, Max French, Hannah Hargreaves, Toby Lowe, Mark Smith
thematic analysis
social policy (incl housing)
One type
This paper continues the discussion on the failure of the New Public Management (NPM) approach to ‘deliver’ value for money, effective services and staff morale, despite the potential (and necessary) flexibility and responsiveness in services themselves. New development Relational public services re…
In search of the enabling environment
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
participant observation
‘In search of the enabling environment’ is the MA dissertation from Robin Johnson, the founder and original editor of the PIElink (and author of the PIEs concepts, the PIEs 2.0 framework and the Pizazz). It is ‘a comparative study of therapeutic community models and structures, identifying some unde…
1011 Lansdowne – Turning around a building, turning around lives.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Elise Hug
In this paper Elise Hug, Project Manager of Toronto’s Tower Renewal Office, describes an innovative partnership approach to creating suitable housing for individuals with complex needs, working in close co-operation with the intended future landlord of a run-down (‘once notorious’) building, with th…
Turning Point Scotland’s comment on Trauma-Informed Practice and PIEs in alcohol and other drugs work
Post Type: Document
Author(s): TPS-Wide PI Working Group
The Purpose of This Paper This paper came from a task in the Alcohol and Other Drugs forum action plan to discuss and agree a shared approach towards Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) in Alcohol and Other Drug Services. The focus was mainly to do with staff development in TIP, and how that should infor…
Good Practice in Abstinence-Based Housing Schemes
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robert Heirene
other client group
all or any groups
problem alcohol use
Full report : Good Practice in Abstinence-Based Housing Schemes Executive summary Introduction: Little research has explored the effective practices used within abstinence based housing projects. Therefore, this study aimed to identify examples of effective practice used within abstinence based proj…
Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Tessa Parkes , Catriona Matheson, Hannah Carver, John Budd, Dave Liddell, Jason Wallace, Bernie Pauly, Maria Fotopoulou, Adam Burley, Isobel Anderson, Graeme MacLennan and Rebecca Foste
Full title : Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless, to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning and reduce harms:…
The phenomenology of craving and the explanatory overreach of neuroscience
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Zoey Lavallee
psychological model
systemic failure
symptoms/ harm reduction
This paper by Zoey Lavallee of the CUNY Graduate Center (appeared in Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, responding to commentaries by others on her original paper (currently available, with other papers, via her personal website : HERE) In it she defends the position of her arguments from the…
The Dynamics of Domestic Abuse and Drug and Alcohol Dependency
Post Type: Document
Author(s): David Gadd, Juliet Henderson, Polly Radcliffe, Danielle Stephens-Lewis, Amy Johnson & Gail Gilchrist
escaping intimate partner violence
Abstract This article elucidates the dynamics that occur in relationships where there have been both substance use and domestic abuse. It draws interpretively on in-depth qualitative interviews with male perpetrators and their current and former partners. These interviews were undertaken for the Nat…
Ambitious for recovery – tackling drug and alcohol addiction in the UK
Post Type: Document
Author(s): The Centre for Social Justice
From the Foreword: The CSJ is clear….that there is a very long way to go before we can declare our nation’s drug and alcohol systems successful. Although a growing number of addicts leave treatment in ‘recovery’ the truth is, because the official definition of recovery is so weak and misleading, m…
Re-thinking the building – developing PIEs at the Wallich
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Anthony Vaughan
housing-related support
charity/not for profit
idiographic account
social policy (incl housing)
A general statement on designing the physical environment and social spaces from (and for) the Wallich, the largest homelessness service in Wales. Full text and images : PIEs at the Wallich – re-thinking the building Introduction: ‘A PIE service will thoughtfully design and manage different l…
PIEPR ‘articles of association’
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
research & evaluation
charity/not for profit
change management
action research
social policy (incl housing)
These are ‘articles’ use a standard template for a company ‘limited by guarantee’ – the standard legal term in the UK for a company that does not pay shares to shareholders. PIEPER corrected draft articles of association limited by guarantee small NB: In addition, to qualify as a Community Interest…
CIC eligibility statement for PIEPR
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson, Natalie Timothy, Patricia Mazure
PIEPR’s Community Interest Company application (eligibility for registration as a CIC) This document specifies the particular purpose and activities of the proposed CIC, to demonstrate eligibility to be formally accepted as a CIC : PIEPER formation form CIC36 [signed – RJ + NT+ PM]
Workstreams, costs and timing
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
any other relevant
CEO, Board or similar
all or many frontline settings
roll out of PIEs thinking
research & evaluation
charity/not for profit
policy or strategy
action research
social policy (incl housing)
This document, written in June 2023, offered a fairly brief outline of the potential incremental development of the PIEPR project, seen as different ‘Work streams’, building upon each other for momentum. PIElink Futures – CIC workstreams, funding and timing, 23.6.23 Note that Work stream B, the segm…
Public health and social housing – a natural alliance?
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
Public health and social housing v4a with abstract Purpose: The aim of this paper is/was to comment on current evolving UK policy; and to introduce to the readership research findings that shed light upon the potential of closer alignment of public health and social housing practice. Design/methodol…
Pizazz Creative Commons licence terms
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
developing PIEs thinking
values based practice
social value/purpose
research & evaluation
charity/not for profit
service development
thematic analysis
social policy (incl housing)
Pizazz and PIE Abacus Licence agreement terms To ensure consistency through the initial pilot stages of the Pizazz assessment/audit process, the firstdraft of the Pizazz assessment and action planning tool, in the pen-and-paper format, was released in summer 2018 under a creative commons licence*. I…
A Pizazz assessment facilitators crib sheet
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
roll out of PIEs thinking
social exclusion/inclusion
research & evaluation
service development
action research
social policy (incl housing)
The Pizazz Handbook, ‘Useful questions’ (HERE) begins with some preliminary advice for Pizazz assessment facilitators, But there is additional advice for Pizazz assessment facilitators, known as ‘the crib sheet’ : HERE See also ‘Psychologically Informed Environments from the ground up: service desi…
‘At Home?’ report summary
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
social worker
dispersed housing
developing PIEs thinking
systemic failure
social exclusion/inclusion
social housing
arms-length organisation
metrics and measurement
organisational culture
IPA (interpretative phenomenological analysis)
social policy (incl housing)
‘At Home? A study of mental health issues arising in social housing’ was jointly commissioned by the Housing Corporation and the National Institute for Mental Health for England (NIMHE) and published by NIMHE in 2007. The research was conducted and the report compiled by RJA Consultancy . The summar…
Useful Questions : the Pizazz Handbook
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
any other relevant
other role
all or many frontline settings
roll out of PIEs thinking
practice examples
social value/purpose
research & evaluation
charity/not for profit
service development
thematic analysis
social policy (incl housing)
‘Useful Questions’ is the accompaniment to the Pizazz on paper summary sheets (HERE), and the PIE Abacus (HERE). These few pages aim to give participants a few ideas, just to get you started in assessing your services in their development as PIEs. This is not intended as a definitive list of questi…
Pizazz on paper summary sheets
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
any other relevant
other role
all or many frontline settings
roll out of PIEs thinking
social value/purpose
research & evaluation
charity/not for profit
service development
thematic analysis
social policy (incl housing)
The Pizazz assessment summary sheets for the pen-and-paper version of the Pizazz are here: 2 – the Pizazz summary sheets, 26th June 2018 (1) For ‘Useful questions’, a.k.a. ‘the Pizazz Handbook’, see also : HERE For more on the use of the PIEs approach, the Pizazz process, and the PIE Abacu…
A review of nature-based interventions for mental health care
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Dr Rachel Bragg and Gavin Atkins
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
vulnerable adults
mental health
social therapy
practice examples
quality of life/well-being
policy or strategy
methodology discussion
health policy
This report, commissioned by Natural England, and written by Dr Rachel Bragg at the University of Essex, and Gavin Atkins, of the MIND project team, weighs the evidence for the effectiveness of a wider range of “nature-based interventions” (also called green care and ecotherapy); and the prospects o…
“They have chosen to live like this”
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Dra Alan Chartock & Jay Levy
social worker
frontline manager
street outreach
all homeless
pre treatment
developing PIEs thinking
user engagement
charity/not for profit
organisational culture
participatory research
social policy (incl housing)
In a recent interview with Dr Alan Chartock, on North East Public Radio, Chartock and Levy discuss the issue of how to respond when some members of the public, politicians and other funders, may say: “But surely they have chosen to live like this?”Here Levy outlines very clearly the importance of fi…
Loving beggars – how to escape from stereotypes about street people
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Johannes Lenhard
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
all homeless
evidence-generating practice
research & evaluation
organisational culture
narrative account
Johannes Lenard is an anthropologist at the University of Cambridge, making a study of homelessness, and how homeless people are seen. He has been on extensive placements in London and Paris, meeting and getting involved with many street people, to get an understanding of their world, as it is to th…
A step by step guide to SROI analysis
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Marlon Van Dijk
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
vulnerable adults
all or any groups
evidence-generating practice
practice examples
research & evaluation
policy or strategy
theory of change
social policy (incl housing)
This guide to Social Return on Investment Analysis needs to be downloaded independently, via their own website. (It is presumably a way for them to measure their own impact, in producing it.)So here we have simply the outline description, from the Sinzer website.IntroductionWhat is impact measuremen…
Wodehouse Eaves: dismantling the ‘leaving care’ crisis
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
social worker
hostel/foyer/refuge/safe haven
care leavers
social therapy
therapeutic community (UK)
practice examples
quality of life/well-being
social services
organisational culture
idiographic account
social policy (incl housing)
This article is a short extract from ‘In search of the enabling environment’ (COMING SOON) an MA dissertation from 1981. It describes the innovative – not to say downright iconoclastic – approach of an adolescents’ unit in North London tasked with helping ‘children in care’ through the “leaving care…
On Behaving Like a System
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Lankelly Chase
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
evidence-generating practice
practice examples
social exclusion/inclusion
architecture & design
charity/not for profit
organisational culture
participatory research
social policy (incl housing)
Collaborate on Behaving like a SystemLankelly Chase, a UK philanthropic funder with an interest in tackling complex needs and systemic failure, (See also Theory of Change: a summary: Lankelly Chase Foundation), recently commissioned an exercise in one locality, and produced a report – ‘Behaving like…
Ten strategies to End Chronic Homelessness
Post Type: Document
Author(s): United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
Housing First
systemic failure
housing stability
regulation & inspection
government agency
policy or strategy
data analysis
social policy (incl housing)
10 Strategies to End Chronic Homelessness’Ten strategies’ is a summary of system-level responses needed, in the US context, to implement Housing First policies in any locality.This is therefore not about ‘on the ground’ work, to make HF approaches happen for individuals, but rather a systemic, strat…
Exploring effective systems responses to homelessness
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Naomi Nichols & Carrie Doberstein
any other relevant
all or many frontline settings
all homeless
other health concerns
other community
practice examples
research & evaluation
charity/not for profit
service development
thematic analysis
social policy (incl housing)
“Exploring effective systems responses to homelessness”: by Naomi Nichols & Carrie Doberstein is a collection of essays, SystemsResponses-ebook-Mar29 produced for The Homeless Hub, Canada, as a contemporary summary of issues arising in the development of systemic responses to homelessness at…
Progression Together
Post Type:
‘Progression Together’ is a study by the Mental Health Foundation of the introduction over three years of personalised, self-directed support (SDS), in three step-down residential care units in souther England run by Together, and funded by the Dept of Health.The report shows the value of SDS – esp…
Saving Lives, Saving Money
Post Type:
“Saving Lives, Saving Money”, is an evaluation by the Young Foundation of the homeless health peer support advocacy service, provided by Groundswell, in London.Barriers to access to healthcare for homeless people are one of the major contributing factors behind the poor health and huge health inequa…
Evaluation of a Dialogical Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) pilot
Post Type:
This is the early draft of the executive summary of a study, by Sophie Boobis for Fulfilling Lives, of the implementation of the PIE framework in three selected services in the North East. A finalised draft – correcting a couple of small errors – is expected very soon.This is is qualitative research…
How Common Trauma Reactions May Explain Some ‘Difficult’ Behaviors or Reactions Within Homeless Service Settings
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Elizabeth Hopper, Ellen Bassuk, Jeffrey Olivet
This simple two column chart gives, in the left hand column, some examples of the kinds of ‘difficult’ behaviour that homelessness service staff (and others) may often encounter; and then, in the matching right hand column, suggests the underlying trauma reaction that might give rise to such behavio…
Building recovery communities
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Brian Morgan
Building recovery communitiesIn this chapter, an extract from Complex trauma and its effects: perspectives on creating an environment for recovery (Editors Robin Johnson & Rex Haigh, 2012), Brian Morgan describes an innovative community-based, community-creating approach to recovery from substan…
Crime and disorder: PD typologies and ‘learned defiance’ in the youth offending and prison system
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
This short chapter is an extract from “Complex trauma and its effects: perspectives on creating an environment for recovery” (Editors Robin Johnson & Rex Haigh, 2012),Here we have a transcript of a part of a presentation on psychopathology and social process given by Robin Johnson at the Notting…
Six Principles of a Trauma-Informed Approach
Post Type: Document
Author(s): SAMHSA
This short paper is a very useful quick summary and introduction to TIC.In particular, as it stresses the need to embed trauma-informed understanding into day-to-day services’ practice, it shows how close the TIC and the PIEs concepts are.Extracted from: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Ad…
The Drama Triangle and other ‘unwanted repetitive patterns’ in care services
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Susan King, Robin Johnson
In this transcription of an interview with Susan King, lead clinical psychologist with Nottinghamshire Mental Health Foundation Trust’s Learning Difficulties Service. Susan and Robin Johnson (now the PIElink editor) are discussing staff training issues, when working with a relatively un-qualified st…
Trauma In human experience
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
This short introductory chapter on the concept of trauma discusses the role of early experience and on-going inter-personal interactions in the development of complex or ‘compound’ trauma.NB: This is the first release of the revised introduction, for the forthcoming second edition, to “Complex traum…
Paul’s Journey
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Paul Ashton
Ashton P (2012) Paul’s Journey in Housing Care and Support 14.4 (pp. 142 – 144)Paul Ashton describes his progress from homelessness, prison, and mental hospital to recovery. In the 20th Century it was often said that “personality disorder” was un treatable. Stories such as Paul’s prove otherwise.NB…
Second Step’s Wellbeing service in Bristol
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Penny Blackburn
Blackburn P (2012) “Second Step’s Wellbeing service in Bristol” in Psychologically informed environments, a J. Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2Bristol was one of the “early adopters” of the PIEs approach; and Second Step Housing Association one of the earliest in Bristol. Her…
Well-being through design; transferability of design concepts for healthcare environments to ordinary community settings
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Sam Boex, Will Boex
Boex S & Boex W (2012) “Well-being through design: transferability of design concepts for healthcare environments to ordinary community settings”. In Housing Care and Support, 15.2NB: This article is a transcript, much revised, of a presentation originally given by the Boex brothers as part of t…
A human adventure
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Claude Chevrier
Chevrier C (2014) A human adventure; an address to the Interval 2013 symposium, Paris, September 28th, 2013. in Housing Care and Support, 17.2Claude Chevrier runs three homelessness centres in the heart of Paris, which have been participating in a 4-cities pilot of Housing First in France. In this s…
More for Less? Using PIEs and Recovery to Improve Efficiency in Supported Housing
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Peter Cockersell
Cockersell P (2011) “More for Less? Using PIEs and Recovery to Improve Efficiency in Supported Housing” in Housing Care and Support, Vol 14Peter Cockersell – one of the co-authors of “Psychologically Informed Services”, the 2012 operational guidance on developing PIEs – argues that, in a time of ti…
A counsellor’s response
Post Type: Document
Author(s): John Conolly
Conolly J (2012) “A counsellor’s response” in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2John Conolly gives his thoughts on the operational guidance on developing PIEs, 2012. In this brief comment, Conolly argues that the PIEs approach compleme…
Staff and ex-service user co-working
Post Type: Document
Author(s): John Conolly & Paul Ashton
Conolly J & Ashton P (2010) “Staff and ex-service user co-working: a counselling service’s enhanced response to multiple exclusion homelessness” in J. Housing Care and Support Issue 14.4 (pp. 134 – 141)Conolly and Ashton here describe the steep learning curve for each of them, as they must each…
Non-statutory guidance on meeting the psychological and emotional needs of people who are homeless (aka “the Complex Trauma guidance”)
Post Type: Document
Author(s): DCLG, NMHDU
Dept of Communities and Local Government/National Mental Health Development Unit (2010) Guidance on meeting the psychological and emotional needs of people who are homeless,(commonly known as “The Complex Trauma guidance”)NMHDU website at: is the document, formall…
Understanding Homelessness and Mental Health
Post Type: Document
Author(s): DCLG & CSIP (Care Services Improvement Partnership)
Dept of Communities and Local Government & Care Services Improvement Partnership (2008) Housing Lin briefing 24, Understanding homelessness and mental health: in Housing Learning & Improvement Network collected papers.This good practice briefing, focused on practical actions and an attempt t…
Inclusion Health: improving primary care for socially excluded people
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Dept of Health, Cabinet Office
Dept of Health/Cabinet Office (2010), Inclusion Health: improving primary care for socially excluded people.This UK paper on the role of primary care in tackling exclusion treats homelessness as one of the areas of extreme social exclusion; and cites case study examples of effective practice from, f…
Developing a psychological model; learning from a Housing Association pilot
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Eileen Edwards
Edwards E (2012) “ Developing a psychological model: learning from a Housing Association pilot” in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2In this special issue of J. Housing Care and Support, subject experts were invited to comment on the us…
Manageable chunks of time
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Graham Gardiner
Gardiner, G (2012) Manageable chunks of time in Johnson R & Haigh R, Editors (2012) in “Complex trauma and its consequences; perspectives on creating an environment for recovery”, Brighton, Pavilion.In this excerpt from the “Complex trauma and recovery environments” compendium, Graham Gardiner…
Everybody’s Problem: the personality disorder dimension
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Rex Haigh
Haigh, R (2012) “Everybody’s Problem: the personality disorder dimension” in Johnson R & Haigh R, Editors (2012) “Complex trauma and its consequences; perspectives on creating an environment for recovery”, Brighton, Pavilion.In this excerpt from the “complex trauma and recovery environments” com…
Psychologically Informed Environments and the Enabling Environments initiative
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Rex Haigh, Tom Harrison, Robin Johnson, Sarah Paget, Susan Williams
Haigh R, Harrison T, Johnson R, Paget S, Williams S (2012) “Psychologically Informed Environments and the “Enabling Environments” initiative” in Housing Care and Support, 15 [4]This paper outlines the development of the “Enabling Environments” programme ( see discussion page on this site) , a standa…
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Tom Harrison
Harrison T (2012) “PIEs. SPIEs and Homo SAPIENS: the view from social psychiatry:” in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2In this paper, Dr Tom Harrison, consultant psychiatrist in psychiatric rehabilitation ( and one of the original Enab…
“Psychologically Informed Environments” – webinar
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Nick Maguire, Helen Keats, Peter Cockersell
Psychologically Informed Environments: a webinar – a broadcast seminar – with Nick Maguire, Helen Keats, Peter Cockersell, chaired by Gary Messenger, of HomelesssLinkIn this broadcast seminar and “masterclass”, three experts in the field discuss the ideas and the practice in developing psychological…
Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life in Extra Care Housing?
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Housing LIN
Housing LIN Factsheet No.34 Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life in Extra Care Housing? in Housing Learning & Improvement Network collected papers.This paper from the UK Housing Learning and Improvement Network (HLIN) sets out to offer inspiration in the use of interior design ideas i…
Healthy lifestyles for hostel residents: a guide to improve the health and well-being of homeless and vulnerable people
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jenny Pannell
Care Services Improvement Partnership (2007) “Healthy lifestyles for hostel residents: a guide to improve the health and well-being of homeless and vulnerable people” produced by Jenny Pannell for the Care Services Improvement Partnership and in the Housing Learning & Improvement Network collect…
Staircases, Elevators and Cycles of Change: Housing First and other Housing Models for People with Complex Needs
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Sarah Johnsen, & Ligia Teixeira
Johnsen S, & Teixeira L (2010) “Staircases, Elevators and Cycles of Change: Housing First and other Housing Models for People with Complex Needs” Crisis and the University of York.Perhaps one of the most useful recent analyses of the case for Housing First policies, with a detailed consideration…
Social Psychiatry and Social Policy for the 21st Century (Part One): The Psychologically Informed Environment”
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson, Rex Haigh
Johnson R & Haigh R (2010) “Social Psychiatry and Social Policy for the 21 st Century (Part One); The psychologically Informed Environment” in Mental Health and Social Inclusion.This is the article – the first in a trilogy on the links between social policy and contemporary social (or “community…
‘Psychologically informed environments’ : Housing Care and Support journal special issue editorial
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
Johnson R (2012) The concept of a “Psychologically Informed Environment” – editorial, in Psychologically informed environments, a Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2 this special issue of J. Housing Care and Support, subject experts…
Do ‘complex needs’ need ‘Complex Needs’ Services? (Part 1)
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
Johnson, R (2014a) “Do ‘complex needs’ need ‘Complex Needs’ Services? Part One in J Mental Health and Social Inclusion.In this, the first of two papers published in Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Robin Johnson asks where this new term ‘complex needs’ came from; and suggests the term reflects in…
Do ‘complex needs’ need ‘Complex Needs’ Services? (Part 2)
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
Johnson, R (2014b) “Do ‘complex needs’ need ‘Complex Needs’ Services? Part Two in Mental Health and Social Inclusion.In this, the second of two papers published in Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Robin Johnson continues his exploration of the new term ‘complex needs’. From the analysis of the or…
Psychologically Informed Services: operational guidance
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Helen Keats, Peter Cockersell, Robin Johnson, Nick Maguire
Keats H, Cockersell P, Johnson R, Maguire N (2012) Psychologically Informed Services for Homeless People operational guidance; operational guidance.This paper – published by various agencies simultaneously – is the follow up to the DCLG/NMHDU guidance “on meeting the psychological and emotional need…
Homeless Narratives and Pre-treatment Pathways
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jay Levy
Levy J (2010) Homeless Narratives and Pre-treatment Pathways Ann Arbor, Loving Healing Press.This is the first of two recent books by Jay Levy which outline the key principles of the pre-treatment approach, illustrated by narrative accounts of the life journeys of a sample of individuals.See also…
Pre-treatment Guide for Homeless Outreach and Housing First
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jay Levy
Levy J (2013) “Pre-treatment Guide for Homeless Outreach and Housing First” Ann Arbor, Loving Healing Press.This is the second of two recent books by Jay Levy which outline the key principles of the pretreatment approach, illustrated by narrative accounts of the life journeys of a sample of indiv…
Training for front-line homelessness workers
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Nick Maguire
Maguire N (2013) “Training for front-line homelessness workers”, in Housing Care and Support, 15 [4], at: Training for frontline homelessness workers.docIn this paper, Nick Maguire, clinical psychologist and senior lecturer in psychology – and one of the key authors of both the original “complex tra…
The development of the Outcomes Star
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Joy McKeith
McKeith, J (2012) The development of the Outcomes Star: a participatory approach to assessment and outcome measurement, in J. Housing Care and Support, 14:3In this paper, Joy McKeith of Triangle Consulting outlines the philosophical and psychological basis, in liberation theology, recovery, and empo…
Marinated in violence: therapeutic intervention for victims of domestic abuse
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Erin Pizzey
Pizzey E (2014) “Marinated in violence; therapeutic intervention for victims of domestic abuse” in J. Housing Care and Support, Vol 17.4In this article, and the accompanying video, Erin Pizzey, the founder of the first ever refuge for women escaping domestic violence, tells the story and reflects on…
Using Trauma-Informed Care to provide therapeutic support to homeless people with complex needs: a transatlantic search for an approach to engage the “non-engaging”
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Prestidge J
Prestidge J (2014) “Using Trauma-Informed Care to provide therapeutic support to homeless people with complex needs: a transatlantic search for an approach to engage the “non-engaging” in J. Housing Care and Support, Vol 17.4In this paper, Jo Prestidge – then a London-based street outreach worker -…
Organisational Development, Appreciative Inquiry and the development of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIEs) in Westminster hostels (Part One) the pilot study and principles
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Suzanne Quinney, Leo Richardson
Quinney S & Richardson R (2014a) “Organisational Development, Appreciative Inquiry and the development of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIEs) in Westminster hostels”: Part One – the pilot study and principles in Housing Care and Support Vol 17.2 at: Quinney&Richardson1.docSuzanne Qu…
Organisational Development, Appreciative Inquiry and the development of Psychologically Informed Environments: Part Two
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Suzanne Quinney, Leo Richardson
Quinney S & Richardson R (2014b) “Organisational Development, Appreciative Inquiry and the development of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIEs) in Westminster hostels”: Part Two – the pilot study and evaluation in J, Housing Care and Support Vol 17.3Suzanne Quinney is now probably the le…
A response from the sector
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Vic Rayner
Rayner V (2012) “A response from the sector” in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2, Whilst appreciating the recognition of the need for improved staff support, and supportive of the principles behind the PEs framework and such practice…
Stuck in the Middle with You : the (dis)stressing effects of working in (dis)stressed organisations
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Chris Scanlon, John Adlam
Scanlon C & Adlam J (2012) Stuck in the Middle with You: The (dis)stressing effects of working in (dis)stressed organisations: in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2In this paper, using a homelessness hostel setting as their example,…
Meeting the needs of detached young runaways through PIEs
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Emilie Smeaton
Smeaton E (2012) “Meeting the needs of detached young runaways through PIEs” in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2In this paper, Emilie Smeaton – the author of “Commissioning Emergency Accommodation for Children and Young People Who Ru…
Homelessness in the Czech Republic
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Ales Strnad, Petr Masat
Strnad A & Masat P (2014) Homelessness in the Czech Republic in Housing Care and Support, Vol 17.2,In this paper, Ales Strnad and Petr Masat describe the development of homelessness policy and services in what is now the Czech Republic, from the remains of the ancient feudal system, through the…
Turmoil and Transition : St Basils
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jean Templeton
Templeton J (2012) Turmoil and Transition, in “Complex trauma and its effects; perspectives on creating an environment for recovery”, Edited by Robin Johnson and Rex Haigh.This chapter, an excerpt from the “Complex trauma and recovery environments” compendium, is drawn from an edited transcript of a…
Book review: “Pretreatment Guide for Homeless Outreach & Housing First”
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Lynn Vickery
Vickery L (2014) Book review: Jay S. Levy: Pretreatment Guide for Homeless Outreach & Housing First ; in Housing Care and Support, Vol 17.4.In this brief book review, Lynn Vickery, Associate Editor of J. Housing Care and Support, outlines the key themes of Pretreatment, as identified in Jay Levy…
It’s not just homelessness services (that need to be psychologically informed)
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Walton K, Walton I
Walton K & Walton I (2012) “It’s not just homelessness services (that need to be psychologically informed” in Psychologically informed environments, Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2The Walton brothers, Ian and Keith, argue that ALL public services will need to be more “ps…
A response from the advocacy perspective
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Annie Whelan
Whelan A (2012) “A response from the advocacy perspective” in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2In this brief response, Annie Whelan argues that for development of PIEs where service users are integrally involved and consulted on every…
Wrenching Open the Doors of Perception
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Whittington D
Whittington D (2011) Wrenching Open the Doors of Perception in: ATTACHMENT: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, Vol. 5, March 2011: pp. 15–38.In this paper, Dean Wittington describes his work as a counsellor and psychotherapist working in an inner-city hostel for homeless…
Implementing a Psychologically Informed Environment in a service for homeless young people
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jeremy Woodcock, Jamie Gill
Woodcock J & Gill J (2013) “Implementing a Psychologically Informed Environment in a service for homeless young people”, in Housing Care and Support journal Issue 17.1.Here psychotherapist Jeremy Woodcock and operational manager Jamie Gill outline the steps they plan to take to develop their you…
Evaluation of the “Strong Minded” Mental Health Service for Young People in Foyers
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Taylor et al
Taylor et al (2005) “Evaluation of the ‘Strong Minded’ Mental Health Service for Young People in Foyers”, Foyers Federation*(*For US & Canada readers, a foyer is the term used in the UK for a young persons’ service where accommodation is provided alongside a range of support and educational act…
Hard Edges: Mapping Severe and Multiple Disadvantage
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Lankelley Chase Foundation
Lankelley Chase Foundation (2015) “Hard Edges: Mapping Severe and Multiple Disadvantage” – Lankelley Chase website. ( central aim of this study was “to establish a statistical profile of the extent and n…
Stuck in the Middle with You: the (dis)stressing effects of working in (dis)stressed organisations
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Chris Scanlon, John Adlam
Scanlon C & Adlam J (2012) Stuck in the Middle with You: the (dis)stressing effects of working in (dis)stressed organisations: in Psychologically informed environments, in Housing Care and Support journal special issue, Vol 15.2Using the example of homelessness resettlement hostel work, in this…
Non-statutory guidance on meeting the psychological and emotional needs of people who are homeless : aka the “Complex Trauma” guidance
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Dept of Communities and Local Government, National Mental Health Development Unit
Dept of Communities and Local Government/National Mental Health Development Unit (2010) Guidance on meeting the psychological and emotional needs of people who are homeless, NMHDU website, at This guidance document has the first ever use of the term “psychologically in…
Homelessness: a silent killer
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Bethan Thomas
This interim findings report, written by Bethan Thomas of the University of Sheffield, of interim findings of a study commissioned and published by Crisis, provides a compilation of research evidence on health and homelessness in the UK.Key comments (from the Summary):”The average age of death of a…
Creating a culture of Inquiry: changing methods – and minds – on the use of evaluation in non-profit organisations.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Georgiana Hernandez & Maria Vischer
This report, by Hernandez & Vischer, was commissioned and published by the James Irvine Foundation in the US, as part of their “Working on Workforce” (WOW) development project. It makes the case for the adoption of a more positive approach to evaluation, from service providers, arguing that it i…
Theory of Change: A summary.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Lankelly Chase Foundation
In this useful and brief summary of their experience as a funding agency, Lankelly Chase Foundation point to a number of systemic weaknesses in the policy, services and commissioning frameworks for people and families facing multiple disadvantage. All too often services and funding to ‘meet need’ -…
Recognising complexity: commissioning guidance for personality disorder services.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): UK Department of Health
This commissioning guidance document follows on from earlier papers from the UK Department of Health which, since 2003, have signalled a dramatic change of heart on the need to address issues of personality disorder within the health service framework. This document thus follows the initial “Pers…
The Ambiguities, Limits and Risks of Housing First from a European Perspective.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Nicholas Pleace
Nicholas Pleace is an academic at the Centre for Housing Policy Studies, at the University of York. He has has made a particular study of Housing First models and practice – and the distance, at times, between the models and the practice that claims to be in its name. Here Pleace focusses on the app…
A guide to Psychologically Informed Planned Environments (PIPEs).
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Department of Health, National Offender Management Service:
This guidance document, produced jointly by the UK Department of Health and the National Offender Management Service, describes the principles and outlines the development of PIPEs in the criminal justice system in the UK – that is, in selected prisons and ‘Approved Premises’ (ie: probation hostels)…
Man versus algorithm.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): David Byrne
In this article, from the New Statesman, David Byrne, former lead singer with the seminal band Talking Heads, and frequent collaborator with other creative spirits, discusses the meaning of the suddenly ubiquitous term “curator”. He makes a case for the role of personal, even idiosyncratically indiv…
Making the difference to end rough sleeping: a handbook for day centres.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): HomelessLink
This “handbook” from HomelessLink, outlines the unique role of day services, and the key part they can play as part of the No Second Night Out strategy; and then picks out a string of issues linking the overall vision to immediate day-to-day practice.A day centre is an environment that can be psycho…
Key learning from the history of the CPA in mental health. as a ‘lead professional’ model for complex need
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Johnson, R
It had been suggested in some quarters that lack of coherence and flexibility between services was partly responsible for the severe social exclusion of those with complex needs; and that better co-ordination of disparate services for individuas with complex needs could perhaps be addressed by the c…
For argument’s sake: on debating clubs
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Will Smith and Jessica Dix
For argument’s sake: Debating clubs by Will Smith and Jessica Dix is an excerpt from “Complex Trauma and Its Effects: perspectives on creating an environment for recovery” Editors Robin Johnson with Rex Haigh, Brighton, Pavilion, 2012While the majority of participants are between 12 to 15 years old…
Debating at the Urban Academy
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Chiedza Cashe Preddie
Chiedza Cashe Preddie’s ‘Debating at the Urban Academy’ is a brief excerpt from “Complex Trauma and Its Effects: perspectives on creating an environment for recovery” (Editors: Robin Johnson with Rex Haigh, Brighton, Pavilion, 2012)Here Preddie, one of the Kids Company staff, describes the effecti…
Making meaning: the art of Common Language Construction
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jay Levy
This is an excerpt, used with his permission, from Jay Levy’s “Pretreatment Guide for Homeless Outreach & Housing First” (2013)For more on pretreatment, see that page on this site; and see Lynn Vickery’s book review.See also the interview with Jay Levy on US television, in which he outlines wit…
Rates of Problematic Gambling in a British Homeless Sample: A Preliminary Study
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Sharmen et al
This is, to our knowledge, the first study to systematically explore the prevalence of gambling addiction in a homelessness population.These results strongly suggest that the homeless constitute a vulnerable population for problem gambling, and that diagnostic tools for gambling involvement should b…
Institute of Ontario: Canadian Problem Gambling Index
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Institute of Ontario
As recommended by Victoria Aseervatham, in her Top Tips for commissioners video.See also Sharmen et al for the high prevalence of gambling in the homeless population
Johnson R – Editorial excerpt: on Jay Levy’s ‘Pretreatment guide’
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
Journal editorials do not often make much of book reviews that may be printed with the peer reviewed content of an an issue. But in this instance, the relevance of the book itself, by Jay Levy, and the high praise in Lynn Vickery’s review, seemed sufficient justification for an extended comment from…
Creating a Psychologically Informed Environment: assessment and implementation
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Ritchie C
This paper, commissioned by Westminster City Council and Connections at St Martins, was prepared and written by Claire Ritchie of No One left Out. It adds further operational guidance for services wishing to use the PIEs framework to guide their development.Based on the central themes identified in…
Reaching Out: an action plan on social inclusion
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Cabinet Office
In ‘Reaching Out’, the UK government first began to suggest that one reason, at least, for the chronic exclusion of many individuals with ‘complex needs’ may lie not just in the inherent depth or complexity of their problems, but in the way services are organised too narrowly. It is surely significa…
Take a chance on me: on relationship building for those in the pre-contemplative stages of change.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Laban D
In this short ‘think piece’, independent trainer Dick Laban stresses the need to work outside the more limited perspective of measured outcomes, and focus primarily on engagement – creating and building a relationship of trust – especially when working with those who may not (yet?) have the cognitiv…
Principles and practice in psychology and homelessness: Part One – different models, different language?
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
In this extended essay, Robin Johnson attempts a broad overview of the thinking behind various recent innovations in approach to severe or entrenched homelessness, asking to what extent these different formulations may be masking an increasing convergence and cross-fertilisation in practice.This pap…
The Challenges of Helping Homeless Couples: Janice & Michael’s Narrative
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jay Levy
In Jan and Michael’s narrative the author and social worker Jay S. Levy takes an in-depth look at the additional complexities, and opportunities, in working with homeless couples.As always with Levy’s writing, this narrative, case study approach is used to illustrate the wider themes of engagement,…
Entering the House of Language: Andrew’s narrative.
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Jay Levy
In Andrew’s narrative the author and social worker Jay S. Levy takes an in-depth look at the idea of working with the ‘house of language’ – the interlocking mesh of ideas and perceptions that constitute any individual’s subjective world. As always with Levy’s writing, this narrative, case study appr…
Ladder 4 Life – a dialogue/narrative approach from Ray Middleton
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Ray Middleton
In this short training video, Ray Middelton spells out his Ladder 4 Life, an approach which uses narrative and dialogue approach to assist individuals with their ‘journey’.You will find this video on YouTube, hereSee also many other videos – broadcast discussions, tips and training tools by Ray Midd…
Understanding and a compassionate approach to addressing multiple and complex needs
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Kenny Forsyth
Kenny Forsyth, CEO of Edinburgh’s Streetwork, writes a blog published in the Scottish Housing Network (reproduced here by permission of both), on the need for understanding and a compassionate approach to addressing multiple and complex needs.Echoing much that has already been said here – but that a…
Car, Bus, Tram or Unicorn: Why My Car is a Psychologically Informed Environment
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Ruth Franciska
In this amusing blog post Ruth Franciska of Voices of Stoke/Stoke Complex Needs service muses about the way she can use her car to create a ‘social space’ for a different kind of interaction and relationship with the client.Franciska is only very slightly wrong, when she says her car is perhaps not…
A literature and evidence review on PIEs, PIPEs and Enabling Environments
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Mental Health Foundation
In the autumn of 2015, St Mungo’s Broadway commissioned a best evidence and literature review on Psychologically Informed Environments,Psychologically Informed Planned Environments, and Enabling Environments, which was produced by the Mental Health Foundation. A full search of the available literat…
The experiences of people with Dual Diagnosis in Tower Hamlets: A participatory research project conducted by Providence Row Housing Association’s Peer Consultancy Team
Post Type: Document
Author(s): PRHA Peer Consultancy Team
This report describes the Participatory Appraisal approach, as used by Providence Row Housing Association, as one part of a wider programme in Tower Hamlets, East London, to consult with service users on future service design for ‘dual diagnosis’ services.This approach, and its specific tools and te…
Is a PIE just about homelessness?
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Robin Johnson
It appears that services of many kinds in the UK have been asking: is the PIE idea necessarily just suitable for homelessness services? Could the same thinking, and the same simple framework, be as useful in other fields?In this short paper – prepared for SITRA and apparently soon to be available as…
Shelter from the Storm: Trauma-Informed Care in Homelessness Services Settings
Post Type: Document
Author(s): Elizabeth Hopper, Ellen Bassuk, Jeffrey Olivet
This US paper from March 2010, written by Elizabeth Hopper, Ellen Bassuk and Jeffrey Olivet, was an attempt to identify, primarily from research and practice in the US:-the evidence base for suggesting that many people who find themselves homeless may have suffered trauma in their earlier lives;that…
Supporting victims of domestic violence and abuse: Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Service
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Sally Morrissey
escaping intimate partner violence this presentation, Sally Morrissey of Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Service describes the rethink and re-modeling of their local services. Instead of their previous reliance on refuges, as a res…
PIEs – who needs it?!?
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Robin Johnson
This podcast is an early draft script for a video that I have not yet had time to produce.
Steve Davies on King George’s Hostel, Westminster
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Steve Davies, Robin Johnson
Discussion with Steve Davies – Audio coming soonThis podcast is an extended “fly on the wall” recording of a first visit to a particularly interesting 90-bed hostel in Victoria, in the centre of London, with manager Steve Davies describing the work they do, in the context – crucially – of a range o…
Steve Robertson on: The Big Issue as a psychologically informed business environment
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson, CEO of the Big Issues Foundation, and the magazine sales workforce, describes the thinking behind the Big Issue’s business model. If an “environment” is not simply a collection of buildings and plants, but rather is a set of relationships, with, for humans, social relationships bein…
St George’s Crypt, Leeds
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Robin Johnson
It was this discussion, more perhaps than any other, that crystalised for the visitor – Robin Johnson, then working with the National Social Inclusion programme and soon to be one of the authors of what we now call the “Complex Trauma ” guidance – the idea that we really need to find a word or phras…
Paula Corcoran on creative use of the environment
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Paula Corcoran
In this conversation, held at the Acre Lane hostel in Brixton, South London, psychologist Paula Corcoran discussed her current research into the physical health of hostel dwellers.With a background in volunteering and later working in homelessness services, Corcoran is very aware of the importance o…
Robin Johnson asks: is evidence-based policy a good thing?
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Redruth Cafe Scentifique, Robin Johnson
For their December 2014 meeting, the organisers of Redruth Cafe Scentifique decided to have a “SoapBox” evening, inviting 3 speakers to talk briefly on subject on which they held controversial or challenging views. Robin Johnson opted to take the opportunity to argue AGAINST evidence-based policy -…
Claire Fisher & Rob Elkins on rural youth homelessness
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Claire Fisher, Rob Elkins
Claire Fisher & Rob Elkins work with Encompass South West, providing a range of youth homelesssness outreach and prevention services, covering a predominantly rural area. Here they are presenting their wortk to the Though struggling with the technology, undaunted they describe here the evolution…
Prison or the Priory? The work of One25
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): One25, Bristol
In this discussion, the staff of One25 describe their work, running a service in inner-city Bristol providing support for women involved in the sex industry. From their knowledge of these women’s lives, gained over many years of earning their trust, the levels of trauma and abuse are as marked as th…
Helen Keats, Nick Maguire on domestic violence – state or trait?
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Helen Keats
Helen Keats, in the course of discussions on the drafting of the ‘complex trauma’ guidance, comments on the nature of domestic violence; which leads on to a discussion in which clinical psychologist Nick Maguire – one of the authors of both the ‘complex trauma’ and the subsequent ‘operational’ guida…
Rex Haigh on an example of a contemporary Therapeutic Community
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Rex Haigh
With this description of the community that he and others have set up, operating in a yurt in Slough, Oxfordshire, Rex Haigh illustrates the way that contemporary therapeutic communities work, as seen not through description of structures or principles, but through the perspective of the patient jou…
Neil Baird on the evolution of practice at Changing Lives
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Neil Baird
NB: This soundfile will not upload, at the present. We are working to fix it. In this short presentation, delivered at the second North East Region PIEs Managed Innovation Network event at Durham in 2013, Neil Baird, then Regional Manager (now Assistant Director) of Changing Lives (formerly known as…
Steve McKinlay of Depaul on developing a PIE pilot
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Steve McKinlay
Steve McKinlay, North East Regional Manager for Depaul UK, outlines the research findings background to the creation of a PIE pilot in one of DePaul’s hostels. Earlier research undertaken in the North East had highlighted how valuable peer support, befriending and mentoring had been, for young men a…
Melissa Noel on Depaul UK’s Camden Kaleidoscope project
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Melissa Noel
Melissa Noel is the Project Manager for Depaul UK’s PIE pilot, the Kaleidoscope high support hostel project for young women, in Camden, North London. As a pilot, it was explicitly designed to follow the 5 main principles of a PIE framework (six, if we include reflective practice).Here Noel describes…
Depaul presentation Q&A discussion
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Steve MacKinlay, Melissa Noel
This discussion follows the two presentations by Steve MacKinlay and Melissa Noel on the high support needs PIE pilot set up by Depaul UK, with support from Astra Zeneca. NB: on this site you will also find MacKinlay’s presentation on the research background leading to the funding of the PIE pilot;…
Penny Edwards on the GAP project
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Penny Edwards
Penny Edwards, of Changing Lives (formerly the Cyrenians) in Gateshead, describes their outreach service with sex workers, at the GAP project. This presentation followed a description of the organisational/culture changes made recently by Changing Lives, in order to be better able to support such wo…
Rex Haigh on emotional development needs and the enabling environment
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Rex Haigh
Continuing their discussion workshop on personality disorder and enabling environments with Rethink staff, Rex Haigh highlights all those areas of contemporary thinking on health human emotional development needs; and the need for the experience of “positive environments” to meet these needs, or lat…
Robin Johnson on “the therapeutic community model”
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Robin Johnson
Robin Johnson outlines what has often been seen as “the therapeutic community model”, based largely on the approach of the Henderson hospital as deswcribed in the 1960s – generally seen since as the “standard model”. See also, from the same workshop discussions, Rex Haigh’s alternative account of a…
PIEs 2016 research and evidence conference planning (2)
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): Nick Maguire and Robin Johnson
In this recording – not (yet?) released as a podcast – Nick Maguire of Southampton University, Josefien Breedvelt of the Mental Health Foundation, and Robin Johnson of RJA and the PIELink, talk through some preliminary ideas about a possible PIEs research end evidence conference, to be held in – hop…
(Lord) David Willetts on myths of early neglect
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): David Willetts
It is unusual for members of the Government to make radio programmes; and still more unusual for us to wish to feature them here. But this, the first episode in David (now Lord) Willetts’ short series on education policy, begins with early years education, was unusual. Willetts, in this series, wish…
Robin Johnson’s ‘handy’ guide to becoming a PIE
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Robin Johnson
This video gives a relatively brief (approx 15 minutes) introduction to the key features of a PIE; and so is a way for teams, managers, commissioners and researchers to think over what it is that the service in question is aiming to do, and how it might go about becoming more “psychologically inform…
Street Buddies: Stuart’s story
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Stuart, Robin Johnson
In this short video from the Voices selection, Stuart, one of the Westminster “Street Buddies” volunteers, describes their work; and the satisfaction, for him, of “giving something back”.Watch out for others on the Street Buddies approach, especially the co-ordinator Louise Simonsen’s description of…
Robin Johnson on the Drama Triangle
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Robin Johnson, Pete Murgatroyd
A brief introduction to the “Drama Triangle”, a handy piece of ‘psychology’ which is particularly useful to know, for those working in the caring professions or with people with complex needs. Produced in the form of a cartoon, this training video uses humour to help shed light on, and then un-pick,…
Marinated in violence: Erin Pizzey and the origins of the refuge movement
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Erin Pizzey, Robin Johnson
In this short edited clip from an extended interview, Erin Pizzey, the founder of the first ever refuge for women escaping domestic violence, describes the origins of the first refuge. (Other excerpts are to follow.) This video accompanies a full-length article by Ms Pizzey, published in J Housing C…
Does it take a psychologist to make a PIE?
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Robin Johnson
In this brief comment, using cartoon images for humour (hopefully), Robin Johnson gently teases the suggestion that to be a psychologically informed environment, it is necessary to have a psychologist who “does” the “informing”.For more on the origins of the term see the article “Social Psychiatry a…
Working with anger – in discussion with Angela Protain
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Angela Protain, Robin Johnson
Angela Protain, the Day Centre manager of Connections at St Martins, in the heart of London, describes here the approach to working with anger issues that has developed at the centre. She gives the reasons why they do NOT call this “anger management”; and stresses the importance of running such grou…
Trauma Informed Care & Transatlantic exchange
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Jo Prestidge
Jo Prestidge here describes her experience of visiting Trauma-Informed Care services in the US, as part of the Transatlantic Exchange programme organised by HomelessLink and the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Prestidge – now working in the Innovation and Good Practice team at HomelessLink -…
Gerry Dickson on Groundswell’s Homeless Health Peer Advocacy
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Gerry, Robin Johnson
In this short extract, Gerry Dickson describes her own journey from street homelessness and alcoholism, to her work now in the Homeless Health Peer Advocacy Team at Groundswell, in Central London.See also: Groundswell’s “Escape Plan”; and there is more on Dickson and her colleagues on the Groundswe…
An interview with Jay Levy
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Jay Levy
Jay Levy is interviewed on US TV, and describes first his own route into the field of homelessness outreach work, as a student, and later as a social worker. He then outlines his approach, in pretreatment – including an example of his narrative style of explaining the issues via individual stories…
Claude Chevrier – a PIE in Paris?
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Claude Chevrier
Claude Chevrier is the director of a grouping of hostels (plus one home support service) in the centre of Paris. Here he describes – with the assistance of his sister, as Claude does not speak fluent english – the development of the thinking and practice of the hostel over the years that he has bee…
Claude Chevrier: une PIE a Paris?
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Claude Chevrier
Claude Chevrier est le directeur d’un groupement d’auberges (plus un service de soutien à domicile) dans le centre de Paris. Il décrit ici – avec l’aide de sa sœur, que Claude ne parle pas couramment l’anglais – le développement de la pensée et la pratique de l’auberge au cours des années qu’il a ét…
The KUF – a discussion with Neil Gordon
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Neil Gordon
Dr Neil Scott Gordon describes the intentions behind the KUF – the Knowledge and Understanding Framework – in developing awareness within ALL services of more effective ways to respond to personality disorder – “PD”. He outlines here the progress so far; and suggest the opportunity to now develop…
Victoria Aseervatham’s “Five Top Tips for commissioning PIEs”
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Victoria Aseervatham
Victoria Aseervatham is the commissioner for rough sleepers’ and homelessness services for the City of Westminster – and an early adopter and enthusiastic advocate for psychologically informed services to meet this client group’s needs. Here she describes her role and approach in Westminster; and th…
Louise Simonsen on the ‘Street Buddies’ team
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Louise Simonsen
Louise Simonsen is the co-ordinator of the ‘Street Buddies’ team of peer support outreach volunteers, working in the City of Westminster – the centre of LondonHere she describes the extraordinary delicacy needed for their work with some of the most entrenched rough sleepers in the heart of London -…
Lee Murphy on Lifeworks at St Mungos Broadway
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Lee Murphy
Lee Murphy, the manager of the Lifeworks psychotherapy team at St Mungo’s Broadway, discusses the evolution and roll out of the association’s support for PIEs in their hostel services across the UK. St Mungos (as the association was called, before their merger with the Broadway service, to form t…
Nick Maguire on informing policy
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Nick Maguire
In this brief and off-the-cuff comment for the Voices section, captured during a discussion in a cafe, Nick Maguire – one of the principal authors of both the Complex Trauma and the subsequent Psychologically Informed Services guidance papers – talks of the need to now go beyond gathering research a…
Nick Maguire interrogates Robin Johnson: what do you mean by ‘homelessness’?
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Nick Maguire
In this conversation, the tables are turned: Nick Maguire and Robin Johnson are meeting in advance of a discussion on a possible research conference on PIEs (watch this space). Robin has just recorded a statement from Nick on how he himself sees the role of research (now available here) Then the ro…
Fresh thoughts on the PIEs guidance from Peter Cockersell
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Peter Cockersell
Peter Cockersell, one of the authors of the “operational guidance” on psychologically informed services, discusses the origins of his work and involvement with PIEs, dating back long before the term itself was coined.Peter who was head of psychotherapy for St Mungo’s – now St Mungo’s Broadway – at…
Nick Maguire on training for homelessness staff
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Nick Maguire
Nick Maguire, clinical psychologist and researcher, talks of the work he and his team have undertaken around training for frontline homelessness staff, to encourage reflective practice, and develop a more psychologically informed environment in homelessness services.See also numerous articles and ot…
Trauma Informed Care, and the trans-atlantic exchanges programme : an interview with Jo Prestidge
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Jo Prestige
In this interview, Jo Prestidge, then a frontline worker in a street outreach service in Central London, describes her experience of a transatlantic exchange visit to the United States, to visit the Trauma Informed Care services.You can read a published account of her experiences in this version of…
Appreciative Inquiry and CBT at King George’s Hostel – Vilen’s observations
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Viien, Robin Johnson
Viien – we don’t yet even have his surname – just happened to be on shift on the day we visited King George’s Hostel – ‘KGH” – in Westminster, to have an interview with Louise Simonsen and Stuart on the work of the Street Buddies scheme. But he was happy to be interviewed, and describe his experienc…
DePauls’ high support hostel PIE pilot – an interview with Melissa Noel (1)
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Melissa Noel, Robin Johnson
Melissa Noel of DePaul International’s Camden Kaleidoscope (‘CK’) project describes the funding and organisation background to their high support hostel – now fully funded as part of the local CAMHS (Children and Adolescents Mental Health Services) Pathway, which has become one of the first explicit…
Melissa Noel on practice learning from the ‘CK’ PIE pilot
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Melissa Noel, Robin Johnson
Completing the interview with Melissa Noel of DePaul UK’s pilot of the PIEs framework at Camden Kaleidoscope (‘CK’) high support hostel, which has become one of the first explicit and deliberate pilots of the PIEs framework, Melissa describes some of the ways they have been using reflective practic…
Ray Middleton on ‘Dialogical PIE’
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Ray Middleton
In this video, Ray Middleton proposes that there is a natural fit between the Dialogical Enquiry approach (based on the work of Michael Bakhtin) and the development of reflective practice, engagement and problem solving, in Psychologically Informed Environments (PIEs)With his ‘Top Ten Tips for Bett…
Alex Smith & Ray Middleton, system change brokers.
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Alex Smith, Ray Middleton, Robin Johnson
In this interview, Alex Smith and Ray Middleton describe their work as system brokers in Newcastle and Gateshead’s Fulfilling Lives pilot.Whereas an advocate will simply speak on behalf of an individual, and a keyworker or case manager will attempt to negotiate with providers to create a more cohere…
Ladder 4 Life – Ray Middleton’s dialogue/narrative approach
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Ray Middleton
In this short training video, Ray Middleton shows how the dialogue/narrative approach can help get to ‘”where the client is at” and identify where they want to go.Middleton points out that there are many psychological frameworks that can help to guide and develop skills in engagement, which then tra…
Claire Ritchie and Jo Prestidge in discussion: Psychologically Informed Environments and Trauma Informed Care
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Jo Prestige, Claire Ritchie
In this extended webinar, hosted by HomelessLink, Jo Prestidge of HomelessLink and Claire Ritchie of No-one Left Out Solutions compare notes on the similarities and differences between ‘Psychologically Informed Environments’ and ‘Trauma Informed Care’.See also the discussion links and papers cited i…
Zack Ahmed on Participatory Appraisal at PHRA
Post Type: Video
Author(s): Zack Ahmed, Robin Johnson
In this 15 minute interview with Zack Ahmed of Providence Row Housing Association in East London, Ahmed describes their use of the Participatory Appraisal approach, as a practical means to encourage discussion and engagement with marginalised and excluded groups.We all need to find the right tools f…
International Blab with Ray Middleton
Post Type: Broadcast
Author(s): Robin Johnson, Jay Levy, Claire Ritchie, Ray Middleton
This was the first deliberate attempt at a transatlantic dialogue about approaches to homelessness, using Blab.Here we have a discussion on PIEs and Pretreatment, and more, with Jay Levy, author of two books on pretreatment, Robin Johnson, co-author of the PIEs guidance, and originator of the term i…
(Lord) David Willetts on myths of early neglect
Post Type: Audio/Podcast
Author(s): David Willetts
It is unusual for members of the Government to make radio programmes; and still more unusual for us to wish to feature them here. But this, the first episode in David (now Lord) Willetts’ short series on education policy, begins with early years education, was unusual. Willetts, in this series, wish…
The keys to ‘Pretreatment’ – Jay Levy in interview with Ray Middleton.
Post Type: Broadcast
Author(s): Jay Levy, Ray Middleton
In this recorded, live streamed, ‘real time’ broadcast, Ray Middleton interviews Jay Levy, author of two books on Pretreatment, about the key principles that Levy spells out there.NB: This interview was part of the on-line training programme on PIEs that Middleton was running for homelessness staff…
‘Healing conversations’ – an interview with Ray Middleton on Open Dialogue and complex needs.
Post Type: Broadcast
Author(s): Ray Middleton, Robin Johnson
In this un-edited extended interview, Robin Johnson interviews Ray Middleton of Newcastle & Gateshead Fulfilling Lives project on the ‘dialogic’ approach to mental health (and to many other areas of human social and cultural life) and especially to the value of this approach in work focussed on…
Ray Middleton Interviews Robin Johnson on PIEs
Post Type: Broadcast
Author(s): Ray Middleton and Robin Johnson
In this early experiment in using new live streaming, Ray Middleton interviews Robin Johnson on the origins of the term PIE; and his own personal journey from mental health social work into the field of homelessness.They go on to outline some of the key themes in the PIEs ‘framework’ – with Robin st…